What's a puzzle game without the puzzles?
Don't judge a book by its cover – it's a lesson we've all learned before, but one that holds particularly true in the case of Escape Plan. If you've seen Escape Plan before, you may be confused right now – Escape Plan looks great, but looks can be deceiving. Wrought with issues, Escape Plan is at worst frustratingly imprecise and at best, blasé.
The model will be used for Borderlands 2 promotional events.
Gearbox announced a contest almost two months ago about its search for a real life Lilith from their Borderlands game. After numerous headshots and auditions, Gearbox has found its real life Lilith to be used in Borderlands 2 promotional events.
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Do you look like the Siren from Borderlands? Give Gearbox a call!
Gearbox is developing a sequel to their sleeper hit Borderlands and now they have announced a casting call for someone who looks like Lilith from the first game. If hired, this person will appear in the game as a live action version of the character. Afterward, they may also be able to participate in promotional events and trade shows.