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#E3 2011

Assassin's Creed Revelations Hands On Preview

A rundown of the multiplayer mode, plus footage!

Assassin's Creed was a brand new experience for me and a fun last game on my second day at E3. In the multiplayer mode I got to try, two sides faced off as either assassin or prey in a castle courtyard in Constantinople. The prey would run off and try to blend in among the inhabitants and the assassins would – can you guess? – that's right, they'd hunt them down and kill them. Boy, you're good at guessing.

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E3 Kinect Footage

A video grab bag of people flailing through Gunslinger, Star Wars, and Forza Motorsport 4's car inspection.

Kinect took up a lot of E3 real estate this year. The fish bowl-shaped windows made for interesting spectator opportunities.

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Footage

Matt captures more video from the show floor.

Three videos from E3 show Link fighting an enemy and trying to use the remote-controlled beetle. They're pretty much the best videos ever recorded, so click to see all of them.

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Mass Effect 3 - E3 Trailer

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Nintendo Roundtable 2 Recap and Thoughts

Jason recaps and provides his thoughts on last night's second roundtable with Nintendo and Ubisoft.

Last night, Nintendo held their second roundtable developer's meeting and Jason has the opportunity to sit in and catch the news as it broke. Nintendo hosted Ubisoft at the meeting and Ubisoft gave an in depth look at what they currently have in development for Wii U and a good number of details about the Wii U capabilities and how they will be leveraged to provide a compelling gameplay and online experience. Listen to Jason's thoughts with the embedded player below!

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PixlTalk E3 2011 Episode 1

With two days of the show behind us and only one left, what do Nick, Chessa, and Jason R (who's at the show) think about everything that has been announced and shown?

While not everyone at E3 was able to sit down for discussion about the show thus far, Nick, Chessa, and Jason R took about an hour to go through everything announced at E3 2011 so far. The team discusses their thoughts about each of the big three's presence at the show, while Jason gives his view from the show floor.

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Killer Freaks From Outer Space E3 Trailer

The title was officially revealed during Nintendo's second roundtable by Ubisoft. The team behind Rabbids is in charge of its development.

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Nintendo Roundtable #2 Live Blog

JD and Matt R were able to check out last night's roundtable, Jason R will be attending tonight's. Click through for his live updates from the meeting.

Last night we learned that Pikmin 3 has moved to Wii U, some details on Skyward Sword, and that Retro has a hand in Mario Kart 3DS. What does tonight hold? Only time will tell. Ubisoft is rumored to be in attendance, and will supposedly be spilling the beans on Assassin's Creed Wii U. Follow Jason's tweets as the news breaks and feel free to join the embedded chat!

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Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Hands On Preview

Ratchet's latest adventure looks to be fun FOUR everybody!

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One brings co-op multiplayer to the beloved Sony franchise for the first time. Many fans were wary of how well it would work, since the series has been firmly rooted in single player action platforming. I can safely assure everyone that the game works extremely well and is a lot of fun, especially with multiple players.

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Iron Brigade Hands On Preview

Double Fine's latest is due in two weeks and it offers a unique take on tower defense and third person action.

This year, we're doing something a bit different. In order to bring you coverage as fast as possible, we'll be posting audio recordings of notes from staff members at E3 and later adding in a written version of the impressions. Please click through and check out this staff member's recorded thoughts on the game from the E3 show floor.

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