Ok, well it's not exactly part one...
So, funny story, I think Backloggers Anonymous is cursed when it comes to handling games designed by Irrational. The reason? Well, this is actually our second first recording for System Shock 2. The first one somehow disappeared from my computer after we recorded it, and the backup is gone too. I half expected SHODAN to email me something like I'VE DELETED YOUR PODCAST, INSECT, but that didn't happen, so I'm gonna chalk it up to the curse.
Five games/series that reflect the heritage and influences of Dishonored
Dishonored is not a completely original work unto itself, but neither is it the latest numbered sequel in an epic franchise. It is an original IP, but it is not without lineage and influence. In a rare show of transparency, its creators, most notably Harvey Smith and Raphael Colontonio, have been extremely up front in citing their resources. From former projects to hot IPs, they’ve mentioned at least half a dozen games that they say have a lot in common with their upcoming release Dishonored, and we’ve found a few more that we think capture essential pieces of what makes Arkane Studios' upcoming release so interesting.
Why you should never take prisoners.
One of the focal points, and a large source of fun, in Deus Ex: Human Revolution was the ability to radically customize your cybernetic enhancements to specialize yourself into being anything from a hacking wunderkind to a walking tank that spits out death. Unfortunately, once you had set yourself on your chosen path, it was really hard to experiment without another 60+ hour playthrough. Until the Missing Link DLC was released, that is.
New content entitled "The Missing Link" will be released next week.
Released earlier this year in August, Deus Ex: Human Revolution was released to critical acclaim and now the title will be releasing more content. Eidos Montreal announced that downloadable content will be available on October 18 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
Traversing the uncanny valley
It was in the late 1970s that Masahiro Mori first observed what was later termed the uncanny valley. Through his work in robotics he noted that the human emotional response to his machinations would become more positive as they became more human in appearance and mannerism. This general upward trend in positive emotional response would continue until the robot achieved a level of near human realism, at which point the human reaction would drop off to the point of revulsion. The human reaction would remain in this uncanny valley and would only rise again once there was no discernable difference between the robot and a living, breathing human being.