Available now as a DSiWare title on the Nintendo DSi for 200 points, and is also available on the Nintendo 3DS eShop for $1.99.
Available now as a DSiWare title on the Nintendo DSi for 200 points, and is also available on the Nintendo 3DS eShop for $1.99.
What's a puzzle game without the puzzles?
Don't judge a book by its cover – it's a lesson we've all learned before, but one that holds particularly true in the case of Escape Plan. If you've seen Escape Plan before, you may be confused right now – Escape Plan looks great, but looks can be deceiving. Wrought with issues, Escape Plan is at worst frustratingly imprecise and at best, blasé.
Available now for the PlayStation Vita.
Being the definitive version of Rayman 2 isn't saying much.
Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room: Rayman 3D is a cheap cash-in port of the Dreamcast version of Rayman 2. No, the game has not been enhanced in any meaningful way other than the addition of stereoscopic 3D - and no, it doesn’t in any way actually enhance the gameplay. Yes, at times, I even encountered a few instances where the game completely froze up, thus forcing me to hard reset my 3DS. All of this aside, Rayman 3D is still an enjoyable experience - one that has lost some of its luster over time. Thanks to the circle pad on the 3DS, the game controls like a dream, and the 3D, while nothing significant, adds some nice visual flair, giving the game a bit of extra charm. All things considered, this release of Rayman 2 is the definitive one.