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Firewatch Review

Finally, a game starring a middle-aged schlub that I can identify with!

We’re in a unique situation with video games right now. While there is a perceived waning interest in big “triple-A” releases (for a variety of reasons), the industry has reached a place where smaller and more personal tales can be told. These games take a multitude of forms, and as I mentioned in my review for Virginia, a new “day in the life” genre has popped up recently. Firewatch is certainly one of those games, and it is one that came along at just the right time for me.

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 105: The Best of the Worst Year

2016: bad for mankind, great for video games.

The Nerds Without Pants return from their (overlong) holiday break to talk about a lot of damn games! No Stage Select or Chrono Crossing this time, because we’re about Consumption Junction and our favorite games of 2016. Let’s get to it!

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Snake's Revenge Review Rewind

Revenge never tasted so bland

Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear series enjoys the distinction of being an icon that still resonates with the majority of the gaming community. Even if you've never played any of them, chances are you've at least heard of it by now. With all of the positive attention that the relatively recent Metal Gear Solid 5 has received, it’s easy to forget about the game that that could have potentially killed the series. And no-- it’s not MGS 2 (although I’ll never forgive it for those protracted conversations between Raiden and his nagging girlfriend). Nope, I'm referring to something much, much worse-- Snake's Revenge.

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Ridge Racer Revolution Review Rewind

Over the Highway

I’ve always enjoyed the early Ridge Racer series. I fondly remember playing the original game over a friend’s house, wishing that I had a PlayStation of my own to play it on. It was very accessible and didn’t take a tremendous effort to make it past the learning curve. And not much has changed here in Ridge Racer Revolution. On the surface, it plays much like its predecessor. It even starts off with a Galaga ‘88 mini-game similar to the Galaxian one in previous game. Some regard Revolution as “Ridge Racer 1.5” due its similarities to the original, which is somewhat understandable since this game went for full price upon its initial release. Even so, Ridge Racer Revolution received a few nice tweaks that made it a decent step up from its predecessor.

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 101: Switching Things Up

Call me queen!

Welcome back to Nerds Without Pants! This week, we are joined by Danny, a former Gamefellas coworker of Julian’s, and a very knowledgeable classic game collector. We have a packed show for you this time, so let’s get to it!

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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Review

We can rebuild it. We have the technology.

As video game enthusiasts, we tend to want sequels to be these huge shifts from the previous iteration of a series, sporting tons of new features and locations while retaining the core concepts that made the game fun in the first place. It’s a tall order, and obviously some sequels nail this formula while others miss the mark entirely. Then there are games like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which is “just” more of the same mechanics and progression as seen in 2011’s Human Revolution. While there is little to set Mankind Divided apart from its predecessor that isn’t a bad thing, is it?

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 99: The Return of Angelo Grant

The band is back together!

Hey folks, it’s Julian. Man, it really sucks that Angelo has been out and we didn’t have Patrick on our last episode. We’re about to hit episode 100, but where is—OH DAMN, SON! ALL THE NERDS WITHOUT PANTS ARE HERE! That’s right! We’re finally all back together for a short and sweet Consumption Junction edition of NWP.

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 96: PlayStation Pub Crawl

ENOS Lives.

Welcome to a very special and exciting episode of Nerds Without Pants! Today is September 9, 2016, which marks the 21st birthday of the PlayStation. So we’re celebrating by taking the good old PSX drinking, and telling a lot of fun PlayStation memories while we do so!

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 94: Task Force NWP

Fun fact: Angelo and Patrick have bombs in their heads that Julian will detonate if they try to leave.

Welcome to the first “normal” edition of Nerds Without Pants in our new format! No guests this time, as the three Pantsless Ones try on the new segment flow for the first time. NWP is now broken up into three segments: Stage Select, Consumption Junction, and Chrono Crossing. You’ll see a change to our show notes as well, to make things easier for listeners to find. It’s all happening!

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Nerds Without Pants Episode 92: The EVOlution of NWP

We got your hadokens right here!

Welcome to a new era of Nerds Without Pants! This week, we roll out our latest segment: Stage Select! This is intended to be a special talking point segment to kick off each episode that should last about 20 to 30 minutes, but our inaugural edition clocks in at almost 2 hours. Wait, come back!

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