Check out two of the new fighters, Strider from Capcom, and Ghost Rider from Marvel, duke it out.
Check out two of the new fighters, Strider from Capcom, and Ghost Rider from Marvel, duke it out.
We've got our hands on a review copy of Duke Nukem Forever!
PixlBit has received a review copy of the perennially delayed Duke Nukem Forever! It's rated M for Mature, so please only watch if you are over the age of 17. Duke Nukem Forever has Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, and Use of Drugs and Alcohol content descriptors from the ESRB. We at PixlBit can also be prone to vulgarity, so consider yourself forewarned. For those curious, our copy of the game is for the Xbox 360.
The feature will be used extensively by Ghost Recon Online.
During Nintendo's second press conference, Ubisoft was in attendance and they confirmed some new details regarding their coming Wii U game, Ghost Recon Online. According to Yves Guillemot, Ghost Recon Online will feature extensive voice chat, meaning Wii U itself will support the feature. Seemingly the microphone on the Wii U controller will be used for this feature, but because all Wii accessories will work with Wii U, Wii Speak may also be compatible.
It's not the Lost Vikings exactly, but it's close enough that you should be excited.
This year, we're doing something a bit different. In order to bring you coverage as fast as possible, we'll be posting audio recordings of notes from staff members at E3 and later adding in a written version of the impressions. Please click through and check out this staff member's recorded thoughts on the game from the E3 show floor.
This surprise title from Nintendo's Press Conference will add a few new elements to the classic Luigi's Mansion formula.
It's been nearly a decade since the gaming world first experienced Nintendo's charming ghost adventure, Luigi's Mansion. Today, Nintendo surprised gamers by revealing the next title in the series, Luigi's Mansion 2, coming to the 3DS next year in 2012.
Both God of War PSP games, Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta will be packaged and released on the PlayStation 3.
Sony announced during their E3 press conference today that God of War Origins Collection will be coming to the PlayStation 3 this September. Both games will be remastered in HD and will feature 3D graphics support. No other information about the title was revealed.
What game does this mystery banner depict?
While Jason was making his way around outside the convention center, he spotted the image depicted below. It's not really clear what game it's advertising, but one of the characters appears to be wearing a proton pack. Take a look and let us know what this mystery game is. The banner never was put up, so that adds a bit of mystery to the whole thing.
Fans of old-school Capcom games will be delighted.
With a rough target of "this Winter," Capcom has announced it will be bringing six arcade titles to North America and Europe.
You'll find it sooner than you think.
The latest Lost Planet 2 demo will be available on April 21 for Xbox 360 and April 22 for PlayStation 3. If a little over three weeks seems too long for you to bear, fear not! You may be able to snag it sooner.
Five new titles have been made available for DSiWare, two new titles for WiiWare, and another week of a lone Virtual Console title.
This week's Nintendo Download features five Domo titles on DSiWare, the second round of LostWinds, a new Hudson title, Shootanto for WiiWare, and Rygar makes a Virtual Console appearance.