Todd Howard, Game Director, guides the demo for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that was shown at events such as E3, QuakeCon, and PAX Prime.
Todd Howard, Game Director, guides the demo for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that was shown at events such as E3, QuakeCon, and PAX Prime.
The fifth video of a six part series where the developers from id Software speak about this game's variety of enemies that players will face against, as well as enemy characteristics.
The fourth video of a six part series where the developers from id Software speak about the details of the world, and the variety of missions and interaction with other characters, along with the significance and fun of driving in the world of Rage.
The third video of a six part series where the developers from id Software speak about the weaponry, and gadgets that the player will be able to get a hold of.
The second video of a six part series where the developers from id Software speak about the game's story, the end of civilization in the world of RAGE, and you will also get to know a few of the characters and enemies that are bound to cross your path.
The first video of a six part series where the developers from id Software speak about the company's legacy, and the tech that makes RAGE possible.
A game with a unique mechanic that could be great with some adjustments.
I really wanted to like Brink. A sci-fi game set in a dystopian future with guns, parkour-like movement and over-the-top characters? Where do I sign?! But sadly, it seems that Splash Damage was unable to make their game live up to the hype. Twice.