Boldly going where pantsless nerds have gone before.
Let's get right to it, people. There's no time to talk about current media we've been consuming, because this episode of NWP is an epic look back at the seventh console generation and a bit of a look forward at the eighth generation. So sit back, strap in, and get comfy, folks!
Another Wacky Adventure Time title, with an interesting premise.
Last year, Adventure Time: Hey Ice King, Why’d You Steal our Garbage? surprised gamers by paying homage to niche games like Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link as well as being a good representation of the television series.This year, Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! serves as a follow up, but is a much different game than its predecessor. Rather than being a 2D side scrolling adventure game, this game shares more in common with dungeon crawlers like Gauntlet and Diablo.
We also talk about *gulp* gender issues...
Yeah, that's right, we went there. It's hard not to, really, what with the current drama unfolding around Dragon's Crown, the Tropes Vs. Women videos, and what's in Lightning's bra. We handled it as well as 3 dudes on a video game podcast could, I think, but it would be fantastic if we could get some civil discussion going in the comments. We could have a great follow up when we get to our conclusion episode.
We criticize because we love.
It's time for another excellent episode of Nerds Without Pants! Oh, you lucky, lucky people. This week, it's all about JRPGs for the main topic, but as always we begin with Consumption Junction.
There's nothing better than a Slurpee and a great game on a hot summer day.
Hello again! Patrick is on vacation in New York City this week, so it's up to Julian and new third chair Angelo to hold down the fort. Somehow, they manage to ramble on for two hours about this, that, and the other thing.