What will the fans think?
For the first time in years, the Madden series has seen some major upgrades.
Over the past few years, I have been very disappointed by the Madden series and have chosen EA’s alternative series, NCAA Football. Each progressive entry only saw minor changes and a noticeable lack of substance. Perhaps worse, most modes in the game were minor variations of the core sport, with some simple roster adjustments. This year EA finally brought some new material to the table making for a great football experience.
Available as an XBLA title on August 22, and on the PlayStation 3's PSN store on August 21.
Available as an XBLA title on August 22, and on the PlayStation 3's PSN store on August 21.
Available now for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Finally, the player can talk back.
In a defensive style at their E3 press conference, Electronic Arts announced FIFA 13 for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 with Kinect. Like a penalty kick, you probably did not see this one coming since last year.
MNP makes a one-night return with the original Ninja Turtle arcade classic. Click through for the replay videos!
Join Esteban, Angelo, Matt M., and Jason for a special Monday Night PlayBit. The four of us played a game we remember fondly from our collective childhoods, having grown up around ninjas, mutant turtles, arcades, and NESs. Our goal? Get as close to beating the XBLA version of the classic TMNT arcade game in one go with very limited lives. Spoiler Alert: On a trial run, the gang nearly made it to the end! Click through to find the replay from the live event!
This is the best game of footy you can play on the 3DS, but it still has a lot of room for improvement.
Pro Evolution Soccer debuted on the 3DS last spring as a rushed out launch title lacking game modes and customization options. This year, Konami clearly took the time to make a better game by including a decent variety of tournaments and leagues to partake in.