Loot lust: the 8th deadly sin.
When Diablo 3 came out for the PC in 2011, I don’t think I really understood what it was. Don’t get me wrong: I loved it. It was the first game I awarded five stars to at PixlBit and it went on to become my game of the year. With all of that said, I treated it like every other one of my games: I played it, enjoyed it, and moved on to the next thing. It wasn’t until I plunged back in with the PlayStation 4 “Ultimate Evil” edition that I finally let Diablo get its claws into me, and now I’m trapped.
It ain't no Star Fox, that's for sure.
Upon initially investigating the Thorium Wars sequel, I found myself quite excited by what was on display in the eShop teasers. It appeared to take inspiration from both Rogue Squadron and Star Fox; two series I have much adoration for. Unfortunately, after taking it for a spin it doesn’t even come close to matching its source inspiration.
Kill the skies.
The wonder of some indie games that go for that retro aesthetic is they kind of live up to our brain’s memories of what those old games were like, without the warts we seldom remember. Sort of like a period film, it might not be like how things really were, but while catering to our modern tastes, a finer piece of art is sculpted, one that has learned the mistakes of the past. Luftrausers is a game forged out of what once was – not only with its 8-bit aesthetic, but also with its satirical Nazi artwork. Both of these themes work for and against it, but overall what we have here is a great game that is a commentary not only on the past, but on the future.