Coming to the PlayStation 3's PSN, and the Xbox 360's XBLA in September 2012.
Coming to the PlayStation 3's PSN, and the Xbox 360's XBLA in September 2012.
Available for the Nintendo 3DS on June 5, 2012.
3DS owners will have to wait three more months for their Rayman fix.
Ubisoft confirmed today that the 3DS version of Rayman Origins has been delayed to June. A reason for the delay was not provided. The title was originally slated to be released on March 20.
Available now for the PlayStation Vita.
Ubisoft delivers a near perfect port of a near perfect game.
Stunning animations and gorgeous art design make this 2D platformer a must see for all gamers. The visuals aren’t the only trick up up Ubisoft’s sleeve though. The game’s top-notch controls and level design will assure you that the flashy visuals are merely the icing on a gameplay-focused cake.
Namco Bandai's "other" JRPG of 2004 was a victim of bad timing.
Well kiddies, it’s another fantastic Friday and that means another installment of our favorite bi-weekly column Missing in Action!
Pre-ordering will nab you a free copy of Rayman 2.
Ubisoft revealed today that Rayman Origins will released on PC on March 29, 2012. The title was originally released on the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 last November and will also see a release on the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.
This week we ask the difficult questions. Can anyone afford Vita’s new memory cards? Is there life after Zelda? Will anyone be able to survive my incessant ramblings via our new blog system? Find out this week on PixlTalk.
Join us as Jesse and I return welcoming back Esteban and JD to our dysfunctional family here on PixlTalk. We tackle a number of interesting topics including the aftermath of the holiday release season, the impending future of the Wii, and a number of noticeable changes here on PixlBit. Hope you all enjoy and make sure to contact us at with questions, comments, or suggestions you have for future episodes.
Called "Half-Life: Origins", InfectiousDesigner follows up their "Beyond Black Mesa" trailer with this cool recreation of the intro of the first game.
It appears that Nintendo's not the only company that can make a stunning 2D platformer.
Last week if you would've asked me what Rayman game you should play to get into the series, I would've unquestionably told you Rayman 2: The Great Escape. Today, that all changes with Rayman Origins. This gorgeous platformer manages to surpass a longtime favorite of mine with its skillfully executed level design and charming presentation.