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2K Sports Gets Into the Rasslin' Business

WWE '14 hits shelves this fall.

We followed the slow and tragic decline of THQ here at PixlBit over the past year, and a few of us talk about it at length in the current Darksiders episodes of Backloggers Anonymous. As you no doubt know, the core THQ properties were auctioned off recently, but two franchises were noticeably absent from the big sell-off. Those would be the aforementioned Darksiders and the WWE license, which THQ had held the rights to since the release of WWF Smackdown for the PlayStation in 2000. We now know the fate of the WWE video game license, and it has fallen into the hands of 2K Sports. So what does that mean for the gamer itching to simulate Cena vs. Punk in a TLC match?

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