There's nothing better than a Slurpee and a great game on a hot summer day.
Hello again! Patrick is on vacation in New York City this week, so it's up to Julian and new third chair Angelo to hold down the fort. Somehow, they manage to ramble on for two hours about this, that, and the other thing.
In business for almost twenty years, Spiderweb Software is still going strong. In honor of this milestone, they have answered some of our questions about game development, and what it's like to be indie.
With over two decades of experience making games and a record of being independent before indie games were a trend in the gaming world, Spiderweb Software is the hardcore for the hardcore. Makers of such classic series as Geneforge, Avernum, and now Avadon, the company focuses on old school RPG experiences that most publishers and developers have abandoned.. While they primarily focus on the PC and Mac platforms, they recently experimented with mobile development, releasing Avadon and Avernum to iOS and Android with stunning success. It seems classic games are classic no matter what system they’re played on.
Indie gaming on the PC is easier than you might think. Here's an introduction to getting started, and some games you might enjoy.
People are always saying to me that they can’t game on their PC because it’s not powerful enough, or it doesn’t have this, or it doesn’t have that. Well, I’m here to tell you that might not be true. While playing AAA games and other major releases may require hardcore gaming rigs, there are a lot of lower budget indie games available that are cheap and easily playable on the most basic of systems.