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Game of Thrones - Combat Mechanics Guide

A walkthrough of the battle system, as well as a brief look at the classes that are playable in Game of Thrones.

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EA to Shut Down Several Online Game Servers

Shut down will impact titles featuring online pass.

EA recently published a list of service updates, indicating an April 13 2012 termination date for online functions of several games.  EA has cited the usual reasons for server shut down, such as lack of customer interest in the titles, and the desire to free up staff stuck supporting unpopular games.  While this may not seem particularly newsworthy, several titles on this list are on servers supported by EA’s infamous “online pass” feature, which charges second hand users an additional fee to use online, server hosted content.

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Tell Me About Your Emotional Connection to Mass Effect

Nick's looking for your answers.

The Shepard Trilogy of Mass Effect has finally come to an end, which has evoked some strong feelings from fans. There's outrage over the ending and not just the ending, but its impact on the series as a whole. I have no feelings on the topic as I have not even played a single title in the series, and truthfully, I have very little ambition to ever do so. Sure, I gave Mass Effect a shot and I actually own both the first and second title, but as someone who's not much a fan of sci-fi, the story and characters hold little intrigue for me. But this is not about me; this is about you, the fans of the series.

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Mass Effect 3 Review

So, it has come to this.

Five years ago BioWare released Mass Effect to the world. The first game in an epic RPG trilogy with the ambitious goal of having your character’s actions and accompanying consequences carry over from game to game;  creating an ever more complex and living world quite literally shaped by the player. As a result, Mass Effect 3 is forced to undergo scrutiny for not only how it handles as a standalone game, but as a conclusion to BioWare’s half-decade efforts as well. 

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Gamestop Providing Free Online Pass Code with Pre-Owned Copies of Unit 13

Be sure to check your receipt for the code!

Online passes have become something of an inevitability in the gaming industry as of late. Just like home console titles, PlayStation Vita games include the infamous passes solely within new copies of the game. Or so you'd think. After recently picking up a used copy of Unit 13, PixlBit discovered that Gamestop is providing its consumers with a free online pass with a purchase of the game.

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Meet Yasuhiro Wada's New Company

The Harvest Moon creator forms Toybox Inc.

Yasuhiro Wada announced that he and another former Marvelous employee, Tomio Kanazawa, have created Toybox Inc., a new company consisting of only these two men. 

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PixlTalk Episode 57: We Speak of Revolution!

Will gamers ever grow up? Are we in need of a revolution?

Once again we heroes from our lofty position up here in the clouds cast judgment upon you lowly mortals. This week we discuss why the video game community often makes us ashamed to be gamers. Between the recent Cross Assault scandal and the review bombing on Meta Critic there’s not a whole lot to be too proud of at the moment. Not all is lost, however; while we are quite critical of the gaming community this week we also make sure to highlight some of the good aspects out there. Still the question remains, will us gamers ever grow up? It may just be time for a revolution.

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Mass Effect Review Rewind

The epic tale of Commander Shepard begins here!

Mass Effect was a watershed moment for developer, BioWare. It was the game that solidified their presence on consoles, building on the success of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire. It was also their first truly smash-hit original IP thanks to its publishing deal with Microsoft Studios. Five years later, and on the eve of the conclusion of the “Commander Shepard Trilogy”, how does the original Mass Effect hold up?

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Ninja Gaiden 3 Requires Online Pass

Yet another title with an Online Pass.

Tecmo-Koei's Ninja Gaiden 3 is coming out March 20, 2012 and the company has announced that its online multiplayer will be locked behind a Online Pass. Joystiq has confirmed with a Tecmo-Koei representative that the title will require the pass to play online.

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First Assassin's Creed III Details Emerge

The latest issue of Game Informer spills the beans on Ubisoft's Revolutionary assassin.

The latest issue of Game Informer is starting to hit mail boxes and newsstands and in it lies a practical cornucopia of new information on the latest chapter in the Assassin’s Creed series.  Among these juicy details are the official setting, some game mechanics and our new assassin’s name.

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