There's nothing better than a Slurpee and a great game on a hot summer day.
Hello again! Patrick is on vacation in New York City this week, so it's up to Julian and new third chair Angelo to hold down the fort. Somehow, they manage to ramble on for two hours about this, that, and the other thing.
Hesitant about FF XIV? Understandable, but you may be surprised....
It's unprecedented for an MMORPG to get a second curtain call, but that's exactly what's happening with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. It's an almost completely rebuilt version of the disastrous original that is going to get a second chance at life next month. After playing a good amount of the Phase 3 beta, I’m ready to believe that the game could right all of the wrongs of its 2010 release.
*Spoiler Alert*
Welcome to the first ever Nerds Without Pants spoilercast. We've picked a doozy of a game to cover, too! Julian, Patrick, and special guest JD come together to talk about all things The Last of Us. No stone is unturned, as the Pantsless Ones take you through the entire story.
It's all about the ambiance, baby!
Sometimes, amazing graphics and great gameplay just aren't enough. You need to be able to set the scene just right, and a lot of times the perfect piece of music will do just that. This week on Digital Mystery Tour, Julian brings you some songs that excel at setting the mood for the moment or level that the appear in. From ethereal trance music to something that will run a chill up your spine, these songs are all about ambiance.
Ryan & Jeff & Brad & Vinny
It's a somber week for video games, as we have lost a titan. Ryan Davis, host of the Giant Bombcast has passed away, and Julian and Patrick start this episode of Nerds Without Pants by talking about how important Ryan was, and how much he's influenced NWP.