Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, all in HD, all in one collection.
Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, all in HD, all in one collection.
Epic did a bad, bad thing...
Players have discovered a serious glitch in Gears of War 3, that is reportedly freezing Xbox 360 consoles. It occurs while trying to enter a horde match in split screen with two different gamer profiles. Not only will the console freeze, forcing the player to restart their console, but afterward one of the profiles will be altered, prohibiting that player to enter a match. The "loading game mode" screen is when the glitch appears to be happening.
New Characters, Maps and Upgrades in the Horde Command Pack
The first in at least four DLC packs has been revealed. The Horde Command Pack will be released for Gears of War 3 on November 1, 2011 and will be free for those who bought the Season Pass. Separately, it'll cost 800 Microsoft Points or $10. The Season Pass is still available and it costs $30. It will give players the first four DLC packs for the game for free once they're released.
Gearbox maestro Randy Pitchford gives us nearly 12 minutes of xenomorph goodness.
Transfarring also now coming to America despite earlier reports.
Konami announced today that Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will also be released in a limited edition for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. The limited edition of the game will include a 248 page artbook and specialized packaging created by Yoji Shinkawa, the series' lead artist.
Snake's first five games packaged together under one box.
Konami is rebuilding Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater from the ground up with a few modern additions, like achievements/trophies and updated button configurations. They will also have icons, sound effects, and fonts upgraded to HD, plus a frame rate locked at a steady 60 frames per second.
Yes... you’re reading that headline correctly.
To much surprise, tucked in the middle of Konami’s Pre-E3 Conference video was the reveal of the “Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.” The package will feature MGS 2, MGS 3: Snake Eater and MGS: Peace Walker. Oddly enough, Metal Gear Solid wasn’t included, so Twin Snakes might be the most “HD” experience for players. Leaving that fact aside, the collection will not only be available for the PS3, but the 360 as well and will support 1080p graphics. Don’t worry though MGS purists; PS3 looks to be the system to own it on. The PS3 will get an exclusive feature, labeled “Transfarring,” which allows players to stop a game in progress, transfer their Peace Walker game file to a PSP, and continue where they left off.
Will this lead to Bomberman-Metal Gear crossovers in the future?
Andriasang has translated a Japanese press release announcing that Konami will be completely buying up Hudsonsoft. Previously, Konami owned over 50% of Hudson. This transaction means that Konami will own Hudsonsoft in its entirety. While matters like company name changes and merging business operations are still being worked out, Konami has decided to replace Hudson CEO Michihiro Ishizuka with Konami Digital Entertainment's Kazuhiko Uehara.