More spoiled content from the upcoming Microsoft Press Conference. Your living room can now be the happiest place on earth!
More spoiled content from the upcoming Microsoft Press Conference. Your living room can now be the happiest place on earth!
Fast - Racing League arrives on WiiWare, while Super Adventure Island hits the Virtual Console
This week's Nintendo Download brings the brand new title Fast - Racing League from Shin'en Multimedia, known for their work on the Nanostray series from the DS and the well-received Jett Rocket WiiWare title. The racing game is in the vein of the F-Zero and Wipeout series from Nintendo and Sony respectively and is available for 1,000 Wii Points ($10). Bit.Trip Void is this week's featured demo and third entry in the now complete Bit.Trip series.
The 2.5D title, Rocket Knight, will make the series a trilogy.
Fans of the Sega Genesis titles Rocket Knight Adventures and Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 will be happy to hear that a third iteration in the side-scrolling series is set to release in early 2010.