On Thursday I got the new Mii Plaza games, Ultimate Angler and Battleground Z. The new update that also arrived lets you put games you're finished with in a vault so they don't trigger a reminder to play them every time you bring new Miis to the Plaza. I put away Find Mii and Mii Force. I did about as much as I could with those games and playing through seven games every night would be a bit much. It takes me almost an hour to get through five. It'd keep me up too late to deal with seven.
But the new games are pretty cool. Ultimate Angler has you fishing with your Miis who give you bait and help you reel in the big ones. You hit "A" to hook the fish and then rotate the analog stick, or use the touch pad, to reel them in. You have to "watch your tension", as Sega Bass Fishing used to say, or break the line. You can get new rods, upgrade and combine rods to make better ones. You can even save your caught fish in a custom fish tank and watch them swim and take picutures. With Street Pass you can look at other people's tanks and see what they've caught. I liked that.
Battleground Z is a real time action game. You use weapons given to you by Miis based on their favorite hobby. If one has "playing video games" as their favorite hobby, you get a giant Wii remote and use it like a sword. Each favorite hobby has a specific weapon with specific moves and specials. Each session you pick a location and you defend a safe spot from zombie attack. You can even use your Miis to help you fight. With the "B" button you can asign them a location to defend or let them follow you around and give aid. If you take their weapon, though, they go to the safe spot you're defending. Your weapon takes damage over time and if depleted, and it's the last weapon you have, the game ends. The object is to clear out the waves of zombies and a boss zombie at the end.
I'd say these are fine games but I sort of like the less actiony games better like Monster Mansion and Flower Town because I'm usually playing just before bed.
This week is Street Pass Week and all Nintnedo Hot Spots share Miis from all over the world. I got ones from Austria, Australia, and Russia. Some of them didn't even have maps for them. I thought that was strange. Why doesn't every country have a map?
I guess this blog is long enough now. I'd go on about my Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel playing today, but I guess I'll hold off until tomorrow. I'll have played more of it by then and can devote a whole blog to it.