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Book Sale Finds and Puzzle & Dragons

On 06/06/2015 at 04:37 PM by KnightDriver

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Today was the library book sale. I rarely find games there but I always find music. Today the nets brought in a nice assortment of CDs. There are also four bare naked ladies in there. See if you can find them in the pic below:


PSYCH! I meant the four Barenaked Ladies albums. Here's a full list going right to left bottom to top. That's inverted from the usual way. IT'S A MUSIC THING! GET USED TO IT!:

1. Barenaked Ladies - Maroon
2. Shine soundtrack (classical piano by David Helfgott)
3. Janes Addiction - Strays
4. Living Colour - Time's Up
5. Philadelphia soundtrack (I noticed a Peter Gabriel track on this)
6. The Piano soundtrack (Michael Nyman piano pieces)
7. Barenaked Ladies - Born on a Pirate Ship
8. Barenaked ladies - Everything to Everyone
9. Barenaked ladies - Gordon (debut!)
10. Cracker - Kerosene Hat
11. George Michael - Faith (remember that Limp Bizkit cover? LOL)
12. Mozart Symphonies and a Clarintet Concerto
13. Mozart - Best of
14. Yazoo - Upstairs At Eric's
15. Yazoo - You and Me Both
16. Wild Thornberries Soundtrack (Gabriel song in there)
17. Sea Shanties (Why? Because of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag)
18. Radiohead - Hail to the Thief
19. REM - Automatic for the People
20. Madonna - Ray of Light (love the title track)
21. Ataris - So Long, Astoria
22. Reservoir Dogs soundtrack
23. Dark Knight Rises soundtrack
24. Flight of the Conchords - debut
25. Nature Company 1995 Music Sampler (world music?)

And that's it. Where's the game content of this blog? Well, there's a band called the Ataris in there and sea shanties like in Assassin's Creed IV. That's about it. . . Ok fine. 

I ushered in another mass of Miis into the Plaza and will do another group tonight in all likelihood. I'm beginning to like Ultimate Angler a little more. I love getting new destinations and putting new fish in my tank. Battleground Z still doesn't thrll me much though. I got a special Mii the other week due to the Nintendo World Championships. It was a Nintendo person I didn't know plugging the competition. 

I also played a bit more of Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros Edtion last night. The match game works a little differently than usual. You are not swapping a piece for another piece but moving one around to a new location while the other pieces shift one space as you move it. It's kinda hard to describe. I'm slowly getting used to the different strategy you have to apply. It's a cool game though. I just unlocked street pass for it, so I'll be getting shared helpers soon.

Ad ad ad ad ad. . . that's all folks!



Cary Woodham

06/06/2015 at 06:02 PM

I'm only at World 3 in the Mario Puzzle & Dragons game.  It's actually pretty hard.  Or maybe I'm just not 'getting' it.  So far, though, I'm liking Pokemon Shuffle better, but I WANT to like Puzzle & Dragons more!


06/09/2015 at 01:32 AM

Exactly what I've been thinking. Pokemon Shuffle is so straightforward and easy to pick up a play. P&D seems overly complex, but maybe after a while I'll get into it more. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/06/2015 at 11:06 PM

I remember the Limp Bizkit cover of Behind Blue Eyes.


06/09/2015 at 01:33 AM

Oh wow. I bet that's a funny one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/09/2015 at 01:39 AM

I ... kinda liked it. Unironically. Most people hate it though.


06/11/2015 at 02:40 AM

I kinda liked the Faith cover. It still made me laugh thinking about the original though.


06/10/2015 at 11:45 AM

I'm still getting my lunch handed to me at the end of level 2 in the SMB portion of the Puzzle Dragons game. Its a fun game but I'd like to move on to World 3 already. 

That is a one heck of a CD pickup! Good stuff!


06/12/2015 at 02:50 AM

I played Pokemon Shuffle last night and I really like that much better. Am I becoming a casual gamer? I'm worried.


06/16/2015 at 11:28 AM

I think you hit casual gamer when you have a PS4 sitting in front of you but you spend hours playing on your iPad trying to collect fighter cards in Mortal Kombat X when you have the console version sitting right in front of you....wait a minute.


06/17/2015 at 04:04 AM

It's ok. I go casual sometimes too. I was huge into Popcap on PC a while back. Those games are fun. It's nice to kick back with games like that from time to time.

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