Firstly, I am Master Chief. By that I mean we are the same age. I heard on IGN's Podcast Unlocked someone casually say that MC was 48. My eyes widened because I just turned that age a week ago. I didn't just go on the podcaster's comment though, I fact checked it on the Halo Wikia page and sure enough, in Halo 5, he is indeed 48. I just hope he isn't killed off in Halo 5. I'd feel a little weird about that. In any case, now I know what I'm going to be for Halloween.
Secondly, this:
IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat on my iPod and Olimar Amiibo
I got the Olimar Amiibo. I also got to hold the new Yoshi's Wooly World Amiibo and boy it is adorable! It's actually made of yarn, or something close to it. I didn't expect that. It comes in Pink, Blue and Green. Green only comes with the game however. I almost bought one. They are a few dollars more than the regular Amiibo but it's probably worth it. I also saw the Chibi Robo Amiibo. You can only get that if you buy the game though. I was again tempted. But, I stuck with Olimar and his Pikmin because I love, love, love PIkmin. Which reminds me, I need a Wii-U for Pikmin 3. Boy I'm behind the times.
So this is Master Chief signing off. Now. . . finish this fight.