I got Halo 2, 3, and 4 on day-one, but not this time. Halo 4, the first post Bungie, kind of annoyed me, so I'm not doing it this time. Oh well, end of an era for me. I got my old school gaming on instead.
Castlevania [NES]: I was going to get this on Wii Virtual Console today but the servers were down for maintenance. I was worried for a moment that the store for Wii was shut down, I'd heard a rumor about that coming on a podcast, but it was just temporary. I guess Nintendo does its maintenace on Monday afternoons, probably the slowest day of the week for gaming. So I didn't play it. Next week, for sure.
Goblin Commander [Xbox]: I got deep into this RTS today. The game does so many things that remind me of Warcraft II. One was that each level introduces a new element to the gameplay as well as continues the story; the maps get bigger and the challenges tougher. I got to this one map in GC that really started to get to me. I couldn't keep the enemy out of my town while I went on missions. The enemy kept me so busy fighting, I couldn't do any resource gathering to upgrade my units. I just fought, blitzed out a bunch more armies, and fought some more. It was endless, and I got tired of rebuilding my town. It was just like my experience with Warcraft II. I got to level 12 or something like that, and just didn't want to go any further. It became a battle of speed building and not much fun. What I used to do in WCII was replay level 1-10 over and over, which is likely what I'll do with this, if I ever have time to play it again.
Luigi's Mansion [NGC]: The first time I played this I couldn't keep enough hearts and kept dying. What was I thinking? You can resupply your hearts in the baby's room whenever you need them. I got really far in this game this time and I'm loving every minute of it. I had some trouble with the c-stick controls (used to look around, aim your tools) because the X/Y axis is inverted like in a flight sim and can't be changed (I'm pretty sure). But, I found out you don't have to use it when fighting a ghost (the most tricky part). You can just use the left stick (used for moving around) and it is much easier. You still need the c-stick to aim your flashlight and vacuum though, and at times it drives me nuts because I'm always moving it in the opposite direction. Other than that, the design of this game is fantastic. So many interesting rooms and ghosts and great music. There's lots of exploration to be had and tons of surprises along the way. I'm right back into this game next week.
Now on to research for my 2007 music play list. Ciao!