It's the perfect day for a book sale. It's Fall, the sky is clear and bright, it's cool, and I got music on the brain. I haven't been so keen on books at the library book sales this year. It's been all about the music. Then I got a text message from Jay Str. Video Games that they had a game I wanted, Dragon Warrior I & II for Game Boy Color. I had some trades, so I thought I'd go pick that up. Here's a pic of all the stuff I got.
So the top three CDs are all stuff I'm going to use the first month of 2016. I have a new music and reading project for 2016 and it starts with the 16th century. Going left to right: John Taverner, Machaut (oops, he's from the 1300s), and a Renaisance collection featuring Monteverdi.
Next is some miscellany in the middle. Left to Right: Kronos Quartet - Caravan, Big Band Collection, and a 3 disc lounge music Christmas collection. I love the 50s art on this box set. I used to play a PopCap game called TipTop, which used the same style. The Ren and Stimpy Show uses it and I believe the Fallout series takes some of it's design from the 50s. I certainly saw it in the latest trailer I watched for Fallout 4.
On the bottom, left to right: soundtrack to a western, Once Upon a Time in the West, by Ennio Morricone, Lenny Kravitz Are You Going My Way, and Live's Unplugged album. I got all these albums for a buck each except that box set for $3.
Oh, and there's a Game Boy Color cart there in the middle. That's Dragon Warrior I & II. It was the easiest way for me to get DWII. I got it for like $9 after the trades I had. It was $25 before the trades.
Yea Saturday! My Friday. Can't wait for work to be over tonight. Tomorrow's game day and I'm considering playing Gear of War Judgment with Mark on Xbox One since it's backwards compatible now and you can play multiplayer across both 360 and Xbox One. I want to try that and see if I can do screen captures and video clips of 360 games on Xbox One. I don't know if game saves will carry over, though, but they should since I saved to the cloud. I'm really excited about streaming too. I want to try that on Twitch at some point for sure.