This still pretty much applies, except I now own a (barely functional) PS3 and new 'NEW' 3DS XL.
It's a nice change of pace to not be suffering through a cold at this point in the year. If anything, I think I'm in the best health I've been in years, which feels great.
Been playing a lot of Phoenix Wright lately, finished off the Ace Attorney Trilogy and am currently in the third episode of Dual Destinies. Having a lot of fun so far, and in the case of the AA Trilogy, I really wish I had played the games earlier. I've also been playing bits of Adventure Bar Story, Aternoblade and Citizens of Earth when I get the chance.
Still continuing an all around slump in reading, still haven't even made it halfway through the HP Lovecraft collection I've been trying to read for a while and only recently read through all the volumes of Berserk my brother and I have collected so far. My younger self would definitely be ashamed that I have all these books to read and I'm not spending all my time with them, though he'd also see all the new games and systems I've gotten and understand my procrastination quite a lot more.
And that's about it for today, tomorrow I'll start posting what I'm currently listening to. I'd do that today, but I don't want to subject anyone to Creed. I like them, but am aware that's a minority opinion.