I just love scanning things and what better thing to scan than video game print ads. I picked up the comic, Time Warp #1, this week and scanned two game ads, Bioshock Infinite and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

Ever since I've gotten into comics, and that not too long ago, I've been scanning any video game ads that I find. I especially love the old ones but sometimes the new ones like these are interesting too. The ads become a bit of history as time rolls on and sometimes they use unique art assets and designs that are really interesting. I'm always interested in the visual medium and having these on my computer enhances my experience of these games.

Who knows how long this last vestige of print media will last, comics are already going digital, but until my comic store closes, I'm still going to pick up old and new comics and keep an eye out for interesting video game ads like these.