Before I did anything today (Sunday), I set up my original Xbox next to my 360 and XBO. I think it’s funny to have all three generations of Xbox hooked up at the same time. Here’s a lousy pic of the rig:

I had the wrong cable for the original Xbox today, but I plan to play all three systems tomorrow. Today I started with Metal Slug 3, a side and vertically scrolling 2D shooter, on Xbox 360. This game looks so great but plays kind of bad. I hate that move and aim are on the left analog stick together. You have to crouch to stop moving while you shoot - very, very annoying. So I didn’t get very far in the game. You can’t even shoot up while swimming underwater. Really? Maybe this plays better on the original arcade cabinet. One day I’ll find one and see how it is.
Then I booted up the XBO and got really mad at the U.I. . Seriously, as far as ease of use goes, this gets an absolute zero. I literally couldn’t start a game for a while until I figured out the bizarre system of blades and boxy windows. This is the most unintuitive U.I. I’ve ever had to deal with. I was joking when I said it, but I said, “That’s enough. This is going back to the store. I’m playing my PS4.”. Well, I got the hang of it after a bit but then I had to install everthing I wanted to play and it was taking a long time. So I created a world in Minecraft: XBO Edition I called “Waiting Room” and did the first tasks of surviving: get wood, find food, get cobblestone and coal, find the village or make a base. (I couldn’t find a village on my world, so I built a base in a cave mouth).
The Doom demo finally installed after an hour and I played it. Boy does this game have spiffy graphics. I felt like I was playing a VR game 'cause it really drew me in. This is really the first current gen game I’ve played on the XBO. The action is super fast. I had to dial down the sensitivity of the sticks it was so fast. The game demo took about an hour and a half and was very fun. I can’t wait to get the full game in August, the month I’ve decided I’m allowed to buy it.
Then I wanted to play Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor but had to wait for an install on that even though I had the disc. Apparently having a disc doesn’t mean much because it has to load the whole game to the hard drive to play it. This meant another very long wait. I played Peggle and more Minecraft before it was finally ready like four hours later. Whatever happened to pop a game in and play. Nope. These days everything is like PC: wait for a long install and tweak a bunch of settings before moment one even starts.
Well, I finally got to play Shadow of Mordor and it is really cool. The cut scenes are really well done with great voice acting. The world is like a Tolkien fan’s dream: so much detail of places in Middle Earth. This is how a Lord of Rings game should be presented. The gameplay is all about sword fighting and bow and arrow play. It takes some practice and you can’t just barrel out there in the world and attack orcs willy nilly. Do that and you’ll attract a dozen of them and get surrounded. You have to go a bit stealthy at first and there’s plenty of opportunities for that: you can drop down on enemies or hide in bushes and draw their attention with a tap of the “Y” button to bring them to you. The best part about this game though is the way orc leaders challenge you. If you beat them you gain an ability and they are replaced in the orc hierarchy. If they beat you, they gain power and will be tougher next time. They’ll also remember that they beat you and taunt you accordingly next time you meet them. It's pretty darn cool and totally exhibiting the latest in technology.
That’s about it. Onto tomorrow and another day of gaming goodness.