Gamestop's having their 3-for-2 sale on Wii games this week, so I bought a bunch. Here's a pic:

At the top we have Facebreaker K.O. Party. I got the PS3 Facebreaker game way back and was a little disappointed in the way the game played. It seemed impossible to use blocking effectively, so the game just became a button mashing, who can punch faster, affair. Granted, it's supposed to be an arcady boxing experience like the Ready-2-Rumble series, but give me a little bit of strategy for Pete's sake. Anyway, I hope the Wii version plays a little better. At least I'll get to experience those funny animated characters again for a brief time.
Then down and to the left is Harvest Moon: Magical Melody. I couldn't get any definitive info out of the Gamestop salesperson, but it seems from the back of the box description to have all the features of a Harvest Moon game. Somehow I seem to remember hearing this was some sort of spin-off, or not so good HM game, but what the heck, I want to try some HM.
Next to that is Donkey Kong Country Returns, the main game I wanted from this binge. I can't wait to revisit DKC again. I loved the SNES game.
Below that and to the left is No More Heroes. I heard on a podcast recently more of the zaniness of this game and its pretty good Wiimote sword fighting controls, so I'm in. I wanted NMH2 as well, but it was in a generic box and I don't do generic boxes.
Next to that is Sonic and the Black Knight. It was either NintendoFanJon or The Last Ninja here at Pixlbit who did a review of it that got me interested. I kind of like Sonic out of his element like the RPG Sonic Chronicles for DS. SatBK has Sonic style gameplay but also with swordplay. I'm hoping for some good Sonic with a note of God of War.
Finally, at the bottom, is Spore Hero. I was always fascinated by the ideas behind Spore, but it was primarily a PC game when it came out and I haven't been doing PC games for a while now. This is my chance to get a taste of it.
I just saw an ad for XCom 2 for consoles while I was getting my Wii games. Darn it. I can't have more than one pre-order in Sept. I guess I'll have to assign that game to another month that's slow. Always difficult choices when we get near the holiday season. I hate that.