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Easter DLC Roundup + Random Thoughts about Pixlbit, Gaming, and the Rest.

On 04/05/2013 at 04:51 AM by Blake Turner

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Well, Easter has come and passed, which means that another round of atrocious DLC has come our way. Want to see who the worst offenders are? Click here. God, I feel like one of those retarded internet ad guys. However, I really believe in plus10damage, and want to do well, which means advertising the hell out of it. If your worried about this giving you a virus or whatever, don't worry. Plus10Damage articles are essentially 1up blogs, but more polished and entertaining.

 Anyway, since you're here, and I'm here, and we're all buddies and what not, I thought I'd see how everyone is. I don't write many blogs on here anymore. Idk, I still miss 1up a bit I guess, and this site, as awesome as it is, just doesn't feel as inviting as 1up was. I honestly couldn't tell you why either. I guess my favourite bloggers just aren't as regular anymore. Oh well. I guess that means it's time to find new favourite bloggers.

 Anyways, I'll tell you what I'm playing, because that's what you do in internet blogs right? Well, I'm playing the ever loving shit out of Heroes of Might and Magic VI, because it's addictive as hell. Because hell is apparently addictive. I never understood that phrase. It seems silly. It seems to imply that we're all masochists, which makes a throwaway phrase seem surprisingly dark.

 I'm also playing the Darkness 2, because I missed it when it was released, and it was cheap on steam. It's quite fun actually. It appeals to the sadist inside of me, and ripping people in half with demon arms is fucking awesome.

 Finally. I'm playing a fair bit of Awesomenauts, since it's the only Dota style game I can play without wanting to murder the fucking community. Seriously, if you've ever yelled at a newbie in LoL or Dota, you are scum and I hope your eyes fucked out by russian gigalo.

 Anyways, how are you fine people of Pixlbit? What are you playing? And do you think my new display pic is sexy?



Cary Woodham

04/05/2013 at 05:16 AM

I think PixlBit is doing a very good job of trying to be like 1up was.  Heck of a lot better job than IGN is, anyway.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 05:44 AM

I have nothing against the site. They have done so well. I think it's just that my group of friends aren't as prominent as they once are. Pixlbit. I love you. You've really stepped up to the plate on this one.

Jesse Miller Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 10:09 AM

I can understand how that would be a shift for you and I'm glad your liking PixlBit so far.  But remember, we count on you guys to push us to be better.  If there is anything we could do to improve the site and our involvement with the community, speak up!  We accept challenges readily.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 10:26 AM

I think it's more my fault. I stopped being a regular too, and only dropped in to promote my articles at plus10damage and comment on my friends blogs. I shall be a more active member of the community though, and write more non-plus10damage stuff.

 One thing though. Why do I get sent to my live account everytime I click a blog? Is it just a weird glitch?

Jesse Miller Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 12:08 PM

What do you mean by "Live account".  I'll let Nick know, since along with site directory, he's also the site architect.  If you could, use the "contact" page at the bottom of the screen to send us the steps leading up to the issue (like browser you're using, what you're clicking, etc...). We'll fix it up as soon as we can if there's an issue.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 12:34 PM

Who am I sending it to? Essentially, what happens is that I click on a blog, any blog except for mine actually, and it goes to that page for about 3 seconds, then sends me over to windows live login screen.


04/05/2013 at 05:21 AM

I'm also playing Darkness 2 on Steam. I really like it. I like dark themes, can't believe I missed it the first time around. Also playing Fire Emblem and Etrian Odyssey IV, kind of long games. Played a bit of LoL too. I didn't know you played LoL.Hate those scum newbie bashers. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 05:45 AM

I play Dota 2 more these days. Also, do I have you added on steam? If not, we should.


04/05/2013 at 09:37 AM

Metal Gear Solid 2, then MGS3, then Peace Walker, then ???

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 10:27 AM

MGS3 is one of my favourite games of all time. MGS4 is one of my least favourites. Depending on your tastes I could throw out some suggestions?


04/05/2013 at 10:33 AM

I agree, mgs3 is one of my favourite games of all time.  Cannot play mgs4, no ps3.  Suggestions are always welcome.

also, not sure how i feel about the bunny pic. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 11:59 AM

Lol. I wanted a gaming pic, and I love Silent Hill, so why not? Also, the original gif that I took this from is unbelievably disturbing.

 What consoles do you have?


04/07/2013 at 11:18 AM

I'm playing BioShock Infinite (really good) right now. I just finished Jeanne d'Arc on the PSP a week or so ago and wrote a review of it and also finished getting all the gold trophies in Mario Kart 7. I think next I'll finish up some portable games that fell by the wayside, like Mega Man Powered Up and LocoRoco 2.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/07/2013 at 12:46 PM

Nice. I read your review, and it seems like a game I'd very much be interested in. However, I do not own a psp, so I probably never will get around to it. I recently finished Bioshock Infinite, and my first playthrough took 20 hours because I explored everything! The world of Columbia is simply breathtaking.


04/07/2013 at 11:50 AM

Darkness II looks great and it seems to do quite a few neat things other fpses don't do. (Such as the biting shadow eel things and Jackie's summoned minions)

I'm sorry if I haven't been as active,Blake. Life has simply been busy and I seem to still be fighting off the remnants of a nasty stomach flew. lol. Aka, nothing personal what so ever! Just existence in general being a diack to me. Tongue Out

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/07/2013 at 12:49 PM

Don't fret it. You and Casey are the most active of my usual faves. The nasty stomach flu doesn't sound too appealing either.

 Also have you read the article I linked in this article? It's entirely satirical, and I think you'd enjoy it. I was going to read your latest blog sometime soon, but life is kind of hectic atm, with assignments and whatnot.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/08/2013 at 10:21 PM

The main game I'm playing 100% for fun is Age of Empires II HD.  I am completely terrible at it, as opposed to 10 years ago when I was just moderately terrible.  With lots of practice I will get back to my old mediocre skill level.  Watch out world!

The community in LoMas sound awful.  They scare me.

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