It's very frustrating to lose soldiers you've carefully customized and promoted after several victories. One mistake in a mission and you pay with lives; not just with injury, but permadeath. It makes one want to stop customizing these soliders. What's the point when they will die just after making lieutentant.
So I'm playing now with the soldiers as given and I'm guerrilla training every one of them as heavy hitting grenaders. I'm going to have one ranger to flush out the enemies and then I'm going to unleash the grenaders and watch the buildings burn. They'll be the A-Team, Dutch's hand picked team of marines, the Dirty Dozen, Greg's Grenaders . . now I'm just making stuff up, but you get the point. I'm going all out on this game trying to make it give me the fun I deserve.
Monday will be my last day with the game for the time being though because I'm getting Dragon Quest Builders on Tuesday. I'm not trading in XCOM 2. I could, but I'm not going to because it's a really good game, just hard and unforgiving.
Also, I'll be picking up Atari Flashback Vol. 1 and 2 for XBO on Wednesday. It'll be fun to see how these old games will be presented on these modern systems. I hope they'll have some cross-game challenges like what's on Rare Replay.
Finally, I've still been playing Dragon Quest VII. I just finished saving the robot island and am visiting it in the present right now. I almost lost my entire team on a cannimonster (man-eater chest) as I was leaving the victorious boss fight. I had lost two of my team in the boss fight and then my main character on the surprise cannimonster as I was looting the place. My last character finished it off and I escaped, but boy was that a close one. Never underestimate the mimic or cannimonster. Those things can dish out some damage - almost more than the boss I had just beat.
That's a day. It was my birthday weekend in which I did nothing special really. Maybe I'll hit Pinball Gallery during the week and get me a good burger. That'd be nice.