So, I put about 9 hours into DQ Builders this weekend. It's pretty fine but I got a little bored after a while. It's very much like Minecraft but with a very directed approach. You start with a busted up town and a single villager and she gives you things to do that bring more villagers to town and teach you how to build buildings and craft items. More villagers give you more quests and the game goes on from there teaching you new things as you go. There's not a lot of figuring things out. You fight in real time in the wilds and even have to defend the town occasionally.
There's lots of good ideas here that I wish were in Minecraft. I wish I could gather villagers in Minecraft and have them make things for me like in DQB and I wish I had to defend my village from waves of mobs. I also like the mega chest you can build in DQB that allows you to access all your matterials and equipment anywhere in the world.
One thing that doesn't work quite as well in DQB as in Minecraft is the digging and building. It's fine but not quite as smoothly executed as in Minecraft. I'm always jostling for position to place blocks and digging is a little more finicky. The smooth controls in Minecraft for console are closely related to keyboard and mouse controls and in DQB it's like using a four way joystick. It works, just less quickly and accurately. I found myself trying to figure out how to dig up and down and build stairs to get out of pits. In Minecraft this is super intuitive.
I've spent all my time above ground in DQB, which is weird, because in Minecraft, I'm below ground almost immediately and exploring caves. I've see cave openings in a few spots in DQB but I haven't ventured there yet because most of the matterials are visible on the surface so far.
So, I'm enjoying DQB, just not as intensely as I could be. I guess the lack of playing it co-op with my friend Mark has something to do with that too.
Finally feeling a need for action, I went back to Titanfall and played the "campaign". Then I got kinda bored playing those 6v6-plus-bots maps. The thing with multiplayer is it's kind of like being a kid chasing other kids round the house. It's fine a first but after a while it becomes pretty samey. Some people love this stuff and can do it all day, but for me, it starts feeling like I'm chasing my own tail. I got some more XP, an achievement, some more burn cards, and I was done with that for now.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to pick up Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare for Mark and I and check that out. But, we'll see.