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Borderlands 2, Ongoing

On 03/06/2017 at 11:45 PM by KnightDriver

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I finished the Tiny Tina DLC today, the last major piece of DLC, playing co-op with Mark and started chasing achievements.

The Tiny Tina DLC is really great. It ends in several massively difficult battles against powerful mages and enchanted skeletons. What a great way to turn a FPS into a fantasy game. I wish more RPGs had as much wild action at the end of them as this does. I love the animations for the skeletons too. They're really scary and you can knock off their heads and watch them try and find you blind. Some use shields too and they are very effective at stopping bullets. I sometimes wished I could weild a sword instead of a gun and fight them on their own terms. Instead I had to use my turret as a distraction while I found a distant place to aim and shoot at their heads. 

After that I started looking at achievements I'd missed. I right away went for the ones for discovering all the named places in the game. I just have one left now. I really like going for those achievements. It was freeing to not have to follow some mission even though I was doing side missions along the way. I was mainly exploring the levels at my leisure looking for vault symbols and anything else of interest. The world is very interesting and full of life. Too bad it's all dangerous and out for your blood. I almost wanted to just take photos and collect plant specimens instead of shoot every darn thing that moved. Where's that first person, field scientist, exploration game I want?

Bye de bye. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

03/07/2017 at 12:09 AM

I want a field scientist game as well. I just took the ENFP or whatever the hell test again and got Mediator. Apparently that means i can't tolerate bureaucracy or doing things without purpose.


03/07/2017 at 12:13 AM

I think I took that test once. I should go take it again to see what I get. 

Oh, I was ENTJ once. That's The Commander. Weird. 


03/07/2017 at 01:52 PM

I always found that achievement to be interesting especially after playing through the game because you feel like you've discovered everything. Heck a couple of days ago while playing Pre-Sequel I don't know where I went but I discovered a new place. 


03/07/2017 at 06:20 PM

I've gone for those achievement twice now in this game and each time I had the same corner's of the map unfounded. It was weird to have the achievement pop up at the exact same time in both versions of the game, X360 and XBO.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/09/2017 at 11:13 AM

there needs to be more fantasy elements in shooters. I'm surprised that so rarely the case.  


03/09/2017 at 11:24 AM

I was just collecting game music and thought about the Heretic series: Heretic, Hexen on N64 and Heretic II. That was the Doom engine, a FPS, in a dark fantasy setting. I loved that series.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/09/2017 at 11:35 AM

I never really played those but I dabbled a little.  


03/09/2017 at 11:56 AM

I actually never got to play Heretic II, but I saw it's on Steam now. 

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