Man, I want a Switch. But I'm sooo skeptical. But the potential is soooo great.
Ongoing Pre-Sequel
On 03/17/2017 at 09:03 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I think I'm about half way in the main story for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. I've been doing side missions along the way. I like doing all the side missions. It's not a completionist thing, I just like hearing all the stories and being sent to all the locations in the game. However, I did start to get hung up on trying to open all the chests that require 40 moon stones. I did five of them and thought the sixth one was going to be the last for an achievement but there are actually 10. I went for this last time I played the game and got to within one of getting it. This time, I backtracked three different times to open moon stone chests that I had found but didn't have the moon stones when I found them. I finally realized I was getting really obsessive about it and just stopped. Maybe I'll come across that one I never found, but it's not important. The story, the environments and listening to all the dialog are my main interests.
And speaking of dialog, I heard a lot of stuff I hadn't heard before because I have the dialog volume way up in the mix. My character, Aurelia, talks a lot. She'll have her own responses to quest givers and even acknowledge other players. She talks alot while I'm in the menu screens looking over equipment, which gets a little bit annoying after a while. I also noticed many lines I hadn't heard before said by upgrades seller Crazy Earl, voiced by Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford. I love having the dialog sound up front. They did so much voice work for this game, I want to hear it all.
Mark and I played co-op for a long while today because we were both about the same level. It was great that neither of us were struggling to survive. Greed for loot, though, does take its toll after a while. Too bad you don't share loot like you do in Diablo III. I start to feel like an actual merc playing Borderlands.
I like the weapon crusher machine, which is new in this game. You put three weapons in and get a upgraded one out. I save all sorts of stuff in my bank until I get three that go together. I'm trying to get the best sniper rifle and pistol I can. I use a third weapon too. Right now it's a laser weapon that freezes. My character does a lot of cold damage type of stuff. My sniper rifle has corrosive damage and my pistol has shock damage. I go with whatever I find, but I favor the cold damage stuff when I find it. Her skill tree provides some good boosts in that area.
I'm being sent Zelda Breath of the Wild from Gamefly but I have no access to a Switch yet, so I'll be sending it right back. I thought it would be unavailable for a long time but apparently not. I should've just left it off the list. Oh well, I'll have to wait until next week for a new rental.
Well, that's a day.