Happy Saturday! Yeah Saturday! WOOOOO SATURDAAAAAAAAYYYY!
Final Boss Fight Met in Pre-Sequel
On 03/18/2017 at 10:51 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I just got to the final boss in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel today. I fought it once but it's clearly going to be a tough battle that will take some time, so I stopped for the day.
I did most of the side missions along the way for fun. I haven't done all of them, though, and I think I might just leave some undone for a future time when I want to come back and replay it. I'm feeling good about that decision, and I might take that attitude over into other games I play. Being a completionist is tough work and time consuming. Why not leave some for the future.
I can't wait to beat that final boss, play the dlc levels and get on to Tales from the Borderlands. I noticed that I don't have a digital copy on my XBO, so I'll need to get one. I think I'll look up the physical copy containing all 5 episodes tomorrow. It'd be nice to have a physical copy so I have all the Borderlands games to put on my shelf.
This Borderlands playthrough is just the tip of the iceberg. I want to play through a "short" list of games Mark and I have played co-op over the years; to revisit them for this new system. The "short" list is this:
Borderlands series
Crackdown series
Halo series
Duke Nukem/Shadow Warrior series
1943: Battle for Midway
Thing is, the Crackdown series is still not backward compatible on XBO. I'm expecting it will be once Crackdown 3 releases, but in the meantime I can start the next series we played, Halo.
I'm thinking of playing all the Halo games in chronological order including the Halo Wars series. Here's the list:
Halo Wars
Halo Reach
Halo Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3: ODST
Halo 4
Halo Spartan Assault
Halo Spartan Strike
Halo 4 Spartan Ops
Halo 5
Halo Wars 2
There's some overlap with Halo 2 and Halo 3: ODST but I'm not going to break up each game to do them strickly in order. Halo Spartan Strike was a game like Spartan Assault, a twin stick shooter, and was only on windows, tablets and phones, so I won't be playing that. Halo 4: Spartan Ops was a seperate co-op story mission in Halo 4 multiplayer. I have all of these games right now for XBO except for Halo Wars. I traded in my X360 copy, so I'll have to see if I can get the Definitive version on disc. I could download it, but I'd rather have it on disc. Worse comes to worse, I'll get the 360 version again, maybe.
It's going to be super fun to revisit all these games. I'm not going completionist with it at all though. That would be even crazier. I'm probably going to stick to the default difficulty and play through the stories, doing what I like along the way. Hitting every terminal in the Halo games is just not going to happen. I'll watch the ones I come in contact with, but I'm not hunting like a dog. I don't want this to take forever.
And that's a Saturday.