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RiME Done, But Not Done

On 06/11/2017 at 09:21 PM by KnightDriver

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I finished RiME, at least the story today. Total time to end credits was 5 ½ hours. I really only had one moment that made me think twice about continuing. I had to run from this giant bird and couldn’t get to a safe area in time. I must’ve replayed it a dozen times before my character kicked into overdrive and actually ran hard. You mostly trot around when you move with the analog stick and as long as you don’t stop you start to run a little faster. I couldn’t get that to kick in for me in this one specific spot and it nearly stopped me from continuing. I somehow got it, though. The rest of the game presented me with no serious problems. The puzzles weren’t that hard.

I enjoyed the story. There’s a twist at the end that was pretty neat, even though I’d experienced that sort of thing before in movies. It’ll yank your heartstrings a bit. I’m not saying more than that.

Once I finished, I decided I’d go for just one achievement in the first level and ended up searching for every hidden collectible. Then I kept going. I think I’ll run through the entire game again and go for 100% completion. There are a few achievements not related to collectibles I’ll have to figure out along the way. I’m enjoying exploring every corner of this game. It’s so gorgeous. You swim in the ocean, you climb high towers, and you run through fields and explore caves - all the island things. It’s a prefect summer game. I’ll be happy to dig into it again next weekend.

What to complain about. . . hum. Not a thing really. Maybe that it’s a little too easy and there’s really not a whole lot to interact with. I mean, you regularly get into a puzzle room but the rest of the time you roam the environments looking for secrets and turn on shout activated statues. Sometimes you interact with animals but I think I did that like twice.

The music is pleasant. It’s sometimes solo piano, a string quartet or full on orchestra. It’s always gentle and melancholic.

I think it’s a fine experience. I thought of that 2008 Prince of Persia game where almost all you did was acrobatically move through beautiful environments. You don’t fly through the air in RiME but you do a lot of climbing and leaping to ledges.  



Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2017 at 11:35 PM

Sounds like a great game.


06/13/2017 at 11:22 PM

It's been pretty good. Sometimes I think it could have more gameplay elements to make it more interesting. 

Cary Woodham

06/11/2017 at 11:37 PM

RIME has one of the saddest endings in a video game I've played (but keep in mind the kinds of games I play).  Only game I played that had a sadder ending was Klonoa.  It was so surprising for such a cutesy game to have a sad ending!


06/13/2017 at 11:17 PM

I've heard all about Klonoa but I never finished that one to experience it myself. I had to hold back the tears at the end of RiME with my friend around. It was kind of getting to me. It was very effective. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/11/2017 at 11:43 PM

I liked that Prince of Persia game. That had a sad ending too.  


06/13/2017 at 11:12 PM

I don't think I finished that Prince of Persia game. I got stuck on some pole swinging thing somewhere in it. 


06/28/2017 at 12:58 PM

Sounds like a fun game but under six hours seems short, but going back and searching for the extras is the bonus to the game. 


06/29/2017 at 11:34 PM

It seemed worth a second play for collectibles but I stopped after replaying the first chapter. There just wasn't a whole lot to find, I guess, or the puzzles were a little too easy and I didn't want to replay them again. 

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