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God Wars Future Past and Minecraft

On 06/23/2017 at 10:13 PM by KnightDriver

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God Wars didn’t look as good as I expected. Its art style is appealing, but it wasn’t as richly detailed as I expected. It reminded me of the Xbox 360 downloadable game Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment from 2010. I’d say God Wars wasn’t much of a graphical improvement over that game. But I like grid based strategy RPGs, and this one was just fine in that way. However, after about three hours, the game kicked me out to update itself, and I lost about a half hour of gameplay. Well, I didn’t feel strongly enough about the game to continue.

Then, I really couldn’t think of anything to play that appealed to me strongly, so I played some Minecraft. I played solo at first until I got lost in a cave. That situation always annoys me, and it’s almost always unavoidable. So I dove into some lava and exited the game.

Then I jumped in Mark’s Creative Mode game and we goofed around. He was blowing things up with TNT and shooting things with invisibility arrows. It’s kind of neat to see animals and mobs suddenly disappear. Some of them have a single item still visible so you know where they are. The witch, once hit by one of these arrows, can only be seen when she drinks a potion. You see the potion come out, the sound of her drinking and then nothing again. Fun!

I tried to figure out how to get a hopper minecart to empty itself (I don’t think it can). Then I played with lava, as I am wont to do. I covered trees and buildings and watched the flow. Then I built a platform as high in the air as I could. This is about block 240. It’s something like at airplane level. From there, I dropped lava in bursts and watched the slugs of lava travel slowly to the ground. From the ground, the platform looked like a space ship in orbit shooting plasma, but in slow mo.

Ah, Minecraft, such stupid fun. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/23/2017 at 11:43 PM

this reminds me of an idea I had today for a book, kind of a rip off Dickens' Christmas Carol, where a character is taken back by "The Ghost of the 1940's" to see how fucked up things were back then without the rosy glow, and then "The Ghost of the 1950's" and the "Ghost of the 1960's" so there's three total.  I kinda like that idea.  I feel like a lot of people romanticize this period, and it would be good to present it in a sober fashion (with time travel!) ha ha


06/24/2017 at 12:08 AM

Getting immersed in an historic time is really fun.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/24/2017 at 12:37 AM

You always seem to be sucking the life ut of one particular game. I might go. Back to doing the same after this exellent  of playing life is strange. Chapter eh 1st


06/24/2017 at 11:21 PM

Which game are you going back to? 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/25/2017 at 12:43 AM

I forgot this "I'm tired as balls and my phone is fucking up, but I'm too tired and aggravated to delete this now" comment. lol

I was playing one chapter of Life is Strange every day this week. Each chapter is a week day, so it fit.


07/05/2017 at 11:50 AM

You know Grid Based RPGs at first bothered me, but after playing the Nintendo game on the iOS (I forgot the dang name) I kind of dig the gameplay. I should give that genre more play time. 

That's a shame it kicked you off to update. Its a good thing it was only a half hour of gameplay. It stings but it could have been worse. 


07/05/2017 at 10:24 PM

I really wanted God Wars to look better. The screen shots I saw looked great but the game seems like last gen graphics for the PSP stretched to full screen. I liked the gameplay though. I just get impatient with rentals. If a game bothers me at all, it's back in the mail for another. 

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