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New Minecraft Content and Phantom Dust

On 06/29/2017 at 11:12 PM by KnightDriver

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I was going to get back to playing Halo 5 today, but when I heard there was new content and achievements in Minecraft, I went right back to it. By the end of my night, though, I was getting pretty tired of it, and I decided would put it down for tomorrow (my weekend right now is Fri-Sat).

The new content in Minecraft had to do with a new random building that can appear in Survival Mode called the Mansion. Inside there are mobs and some special enemies you might call mini-bosses. Mark and I played co-op, and while I carefully built up my supplies before I entered the Mansion, Mark dove right in there and battled his way to victory and several achievements: one for killing an Evoker mini-boss (an enchanter); and another for using the item he drops, theTotem of Undying (it protects you from death once before it breaks). I worked on dying my bed a new color because, by the time I got into the Mansion, Mark had mostly cleared it of enemies.

The rest of the time was spent chasing some other achievements and not getting them. One had to do with getting Frost Walker Boots. Another had to do with creating a five member caravan of the new pack animal, Llama. And another had to do with levitating, which I found out, requires finding the End City, something I’ve never seen. I saw only one llama in the survival game we were playing. Then I spent a lot of time trying to get to the Nether so I could level up for the enchantment table and bring supplies for the Brewing stand which I thought I needed to make a levitation potion. Turns out there is no such thing. You have to get hit by a Shulker creature which lives in the End City. Finally, I just got tired and thought to cheat a bit by going into the tutorial world and try and create Frost Walker Boots. I must’ve enchanted a dozen boots without getting the right random effect. Then I looked up the achievement and was shown that I could trade with a villager to get a book that would make the boots. Well, the villager’s items for sale are also random, and after half a dozen tries at that with no luck, I kind of got fed up. I’m not saying I’m totally giving up on these achievements, but I’m taking a break while I try and think of some strategies that won’t result in lots of boring, repetitive tasks. I really have very little patience for such things in games these days. I like a challenge, but don’t bore me, especially with something like random item drops. No thanks.

I also picked up Phantom Dust for free. I thought only the DLC was free, as shown on the main page for Games for Gold, but I heard on IGN’s Podcast Unlocked that the whole game was free. So I searched for it in the store on XBO and found it. It annoys me that I had to go digging for it, because I almost missed it.

And that’s a half day of gaming. Sometimes you got to take a break. I had a lot of activity with getting school payments settled and working some extra hours at my part time job. I was frankly beat and wanted nothing more than wacking away at a virtual block in Minecraft. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

06/29/2017 at 11:44 PM

I hate having to dig for non-PS4 PS+ free games, myself. I don't care if I don't own PS3 or Vita yet. I want them.


06/29/2017 at 11:52 PM

Right now, with no spending money, I want every free thing I can find. But I would like MS to make those things visible so I don't miss them. I'm still kicking myself for missing the free Fast and Furious themed Forza Horizon 2 DLC. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/30/2017 at 07:33 PM

are you going back to school?


06/30/2017 at 11:31 PM

Yea, starting next week. I'm getting kind of nervous about it now. I just hope I can hack it after so many years.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/01/2017 at 09:19 AM

Good luck man.  What are you studying?


07/02/2017 at 12:28 AM

It's just office administration. I'm hoping I'll find something within that I can get interested in. The first course is on technology. I have to take a math test to get into the other courses. Nothing too complicated, I think. I wasn't a math major. 


07/11/2017 at 12:24 PM

Heck yeah free games are always good. PSN needs to do more of that and less of what they're currently doing with PS+. 

That's cool that the Minecraft folks add content to keep their audience entertained. 


07/11/2017 at 11:00 PM

They now have three free games a month, one a retro title from the 360. I hope they add in original Xbox games in the Fall. They also just launched Game Pass that seems like it's going to be a thing. 100 games or more available every month for $9.99. I can already feel my interest in gaming decreasing as things go farther away from physical. I can't help it. It's just what happens. I know it from music. My collecting vanished after digital downloads. 


07/13/2017 at 07:38 PM

On one hand I do love having the ability to hold a physical copy but since the PS4, once I finish a game I'm looking forward to giving it to my younger cousins. Digital is great because especially on the PC side the bundles and how cheap games are plus while in lazy mode I can buy a game on my phone, and then launch Steam to download and install. 


07/14/2017 at 09:46 PM

I've begun to let go of the need for physical copies of things. Maybe its just the access. Having the access to every piece of music imaginable kind of killed the magic of searching for new music for me. Is that going to happen with games? I fear it might. 


07/15/2017 at 02:10 PM

I don't know with music its different for me. Yesterday I was at the local mom & pop and just browsing through the CDs and Vinyl it was fun to look at what's available. I do like how easily it is to get music online but finding a CD that isn't on your list or finding something you don't know about but wanting to give it a listen is just part of the appeal of physical copies of music, at least for me. 


07/15/2017 at 11:23 PM

I still go to my used record shop for vinyl from time to time. Not recently since I'm out of money, but I went the other week just to look around. 

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