Is Kane and Lynch part of the Soul Reaver series? I want to play some of those. I remember seeing my older brother play them.
Halo Wars 2, Minecraft and Kane & Lynch 2
On 07/01/2017 at 11:06 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I bookended my day today with Halo Wars 2 and nearly finished it. In the middle was Minecraft, and I acquired Kane & Lynch 2.
Halo Wars 2 plays just like Halo Wars 1 except for its multiplayer Blitz mode where cards take the place of managing your base for the sake of speeding up gameplay. I played the tutorial for it. The story is pretty routine for a Halo game, and I didn’t care for it much - another Forerunner artifact to wrest from the hands of a die-hard Covenant splinter group.It’s a great RTS for consoles though. It’s very easy to move units around and control the battle. I had fun with that.
At some point, I decided to take a break and cheat my way to an achievement in Minecraft by asking Mark to give me his Frost Walker boots in one of his saved games. I walked on water until the achievement popped. Along the way, I saw three llama and immediately started in on the caravan achievement. I got some leashes made and got Mark to help. We led two of them back to the village and penned them in. Then I went out and found another. We figured out how to breed them and created two more (I also put dyed carpet on all of them for a look and took a screen shot which got some likes). With five in the pen, it was easy to leash one and watch the other four follow the leader. The achievement for a five llama caravan unlocked, and we both got it.
I was so pleased, I started leashing everything in sight. I leashed a duck and some rabbits and tied them to the fence outside the house Mark and I were using as a base. I called them my pets, but Mark called them his target practice and shot them all with arrows. Rabbits are hard to catch, and I made some clips of me chasing them around (I got some likes for those too).
Then I left the game and started my own to go for the levitation achievement. This is a long term project because you have to get to the End City. I got a lot done, though, before I got a little bit frustrated when I located the general area of the Stronghold and then couldn’t find it after digging two different mine shafts. If I can’t find it, I can’t get to the End City. Minecraft is always throwing me a curve to delay my progress. Also, I swear they made fire more damaging in the latest update. Journeys to the Nether were more deadly than ever. They did add the ability to adjust the type of biomes that appear in a random map. That was cool. I adjusted it to make the world more uniform and not so wildly full of different biomes. It made the world a little more realistic.
Then I went back to Halo Wars 2 and nearly finished it. I beat the main boss, and I think I’m on the very last mission.
Finally, I acquired Kane & Lynch 2 for free from Games with Gold. I think I played about five minutes of one Kane & Lynch game some time ago. It’s primarily designed for co-op, but I don’t think Mark was interested, so I’ll have to go it alone. It’s going up high on my new playlist, but I’ll probably not get to it for a month or two.
That’s a day. I do work and school Sun-Thurs, so I won’t be gaming until Friday. I’ll still do some writing here though.