Good luck with the list. I haven't even touched Horizon again and the DLC I'm wanting to be ready for comes out in August, which is also when Before the Storm releases! I'll probably finish Slaughterhouse Five before anything else. Luckily, it's a short book, so I may even finish tonight.
I've never played any Duke Nukem games, but I want to. I have a vivid memory of my older brother playing the N64 one in our room and it pissing me off I couldn't play it or even watch it (according to him at least) in our room ( I'd just woken up on the bunk bed) on MY N64. I've since gotten over it, of course, but I also remember glimpses of some of the toilet humor I was supposedly too young/immature for. Oh, irony. I also remember seeing codes for it in Nintendo Power.
I know what you mean about those Doom levels. I couldn't tell where I was going in those 90s FPS games like that or Wolfenstein 3D for the life of me. I didn't know Wolfenstein was ever not 3D until recently. Funny how I played that stuff on PC, but wasn't allowed a go at Duke Nukem on N64. I think the N64 was just easier to monitor and my older brother told my parents about the content.
Or I'm mistremembering a vision I was given by Tralfamadores. One of the two.