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Halo Wars 2 and Duke Nukem 3D

On 07/05/2017 at 10:20 PM by KnightDriver

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I tried to go through Halo Wars 2 again, looking to do a lot of the extra bonus objectives, but when I got to level 7 and finished it for the second time, the completion achievement still didn’t unlock. I found out there’s been a glitch with achievements in this game since it was released, and there doesn’t seem to be a solution to it yet. Weird. So I handed the game off to Mark, who wanted to play it and started in on my last favorite series from the list I made end of last year, Duke Nukem.

I don’t have a console solution to playing the first two Duke Nukem games that came out. They are side scrolling games and so very different to the first Duke Nukem game I played, Duke Nukem 3D. I have the World Tour version for XBO, so I played that. The level design in old DN3D is very good. I’d say it’s more interesting than even Doom, which I occasionally get lost in because of rooms being so similar. I played the first episode and half of the second before my half day of fun was over (I worked during lunch rush). I remembered just about every secret in this game, because Mark and I played it so much back in the day on just about every system it came out on.

 I am kind of keen to finish DN3D and Duken Nukem Forever (if I can stand to finish that one) so I can get to my current list of stuff I consider most relevant. This being games that: a. came out this year on any system I own (mostly rentals, and I need a Switch to make this complete); b. released on Games with Gold that I downloaded (I’m considering adding PS plus games I might already have); c. added to the backwards compatibility list on XBO. This is a 27 game list. I like it because it has great variety, and I like to try all sorts of games.

Well, that’s a day. Looks like Saturday may be my next game day, but we’ll see. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

07/06/2017 at 01:00 AM

Good luck with the list. I haven't even touched Horizon again and the DLC I'm wanting to be ready for comes out in August, which is also when Before the Storm releases! I'll probably finish Slaughterhouse Five before anything else. Luckily, it's a short book, so I may even finish tonight.

I've never played any Duke Nukem games, but I want to. I have a vivid memory of my older brother playing the N64 one in our room and it pissing me off I couldn't play it or even watch it (according to him at least) in our room ( I'd just woken up on the bunk bed) on MY N64. I've since gotten over it, of course, but I also remember glimpses of some of the toilet humor I was supposedly too young/immature for. Oh, irony. I also remember seeing codes for it in Nintendo Power.

I know what you mean about those Doom levels. I couldn't tell where I was going in those 90s FPS games like that or Wolfenstein 3D for the life of me. I didn't know Wolfenstein was ever not 3D until recently. Funny how I played that stuff on PC, but wasn't allowed a go at Duke Nukem on N64. I think the N64 was just easier to monitor and my older brother told my parents about the content.

Or I'm mistremembering a vision I was given by Tralfamadores. One of the two.


07/06/2017 at 11:03 PM

I did the PS Plus list and saw EDF 2025 and Day of the Tentacle on there for 2017. Both on the list. 

It's definitely the sex content. I was looking at the porno mags on the ground in the first level of the game and they are much clearer now. As the words of one lonely teenager to another go, "you can see everything." . I remember back in the 90s they were very pixilated and hardly explicit. Not any more. 

Oh those Vonnegut scifi books! I forgot about those. MUST READ AGAIN. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/10/2017 at 10:55 AM

I remember playing the side scrolling DUke Nukem on my computer back in the CDROM days. Man, where does the time go?


07/10/2017 at 11:15 PM

Yea. In going back to school, I've been thinking that a lot lately. It's been over 20 years since I went to college. Sheesh. Makes me kind of scared to think about it. 


07/12/2017 at 11:48 AM

How 'bout that, I always thought Duke Nukem was always an FPS game. To me it seems odd to play Duke as a side scroller, but I would try it. 


07/12/2017 at 08:09 PM

Duke Nukem Manhatten Project out in the early 2000s was also a side scroller. I played that one on PC way back. It had some funny one-liners and was ok as a game. It was nearly unplayable on console though. I tried it on Xbox 360 a while back. 

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