It was cool when co-op shooters were suddenly a big thing in the 360 era. I wish I could have played more of them. Never played either Kane & Lynch game though.
Week 27 in Gaming - Saturday
On 07/08/2017 at 10:15 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
Duke Nukem 3D: Played three episodes and got tired of it. Tried to play Duke Nukem Forever but found out it’s not backwards compatible on XBO. I could have sworn it was. It’s just as well, I don’t really want to play it again. Thus ends my retro revisits. Onto games of relevancy.
Minecraft while Kane & Lynch 2 installed: Mark and I created a flat world in creative mode and built lots of rail lines. Then we put mobs and animals in minecarts for fun. I built a small rollercoaster. I was able to leash animals while in a moving minecart. That was funny. Then we unleashed the Wither and had a lava vs water battle that ended in the destruction of a village.
Kane & Lynch 2: A 360 game that just got added to Games with Gold, hence the relevancy. Pretty good game. A very solid third-person cover-based shooter. You fight in Shanghai, China in a mall, city streets, shipyard, warehouse, highrise buildings, from a helicopter, who knows what else to come. I’m probably half way through it. The two main characters are engaging. Good writing and voice work. I’ll probably finish it on Monday.
I’m quite tired from both work and school at the moment. Hence the casual nature of this blog.