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Stress Relief Gaming

On 09/06/2017 at 10:08 PM by KnightDriver

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I was a mess today, that's for sure. Very stressed out, nearly quit my job, couldn't get myself to do schoolwork. So what did I do? Go to my friend's place and play some games until I could see straight again. As usual in these circumstances, I jump around from game to game and end up playing something barely interactive. For me that's tower defense. But here's the breakdown of it all. 

Started out with Forza Motorsport 5 that I got for free on Games with Gold. I always try these sim racers and always dislike the experience. Clean driving is not for me. I like to bump and grind my cars. At least they show the body damage on the car I drove. Those scrapes and dings are sure going to be expensive on that Ferarri. I started the install for Forza Horizon, which I had free from a while ago. That is their more arcady racer. I think I'll like that more. 

While I waited, both Mark and I played Puzzle Quest. My Druid did more quests, joined the bow and arrow guild and dumped all his gold winnings into the church like a true faithful. You get skill boosts for doing that. I have the game set to easy because I'd like to beat the final two bosses for once and last time I couldn't do it on normal. Maybe I leveled wrong. Whatever. Don't care. Just want to see the game's end. 

Forza Horizon installed but I jumped over to Minecraft with Mark instead. I built a crazy shulker experience house. You go in, the shulkers attack you and give you levitation and you float up a space filled with sea lanterns. The whole house was made of very flamable blue wool blocks, blue carpet, and blue stained glass. Weird, I know, but kind of interesting from a design point of view. Blue reflected light in a room suggests a certain mood, I think. Something to experiement with.

Finally, I'd had enough of that and played Crystal Defenders, the tower defense game with Final Fantasy Tactics characters. It's simple fun and a game type I am drawn to when I'm stressed out. I couldn't get past wave 17 but I didn't care. I just like making different formations and seeing what happens. 

And that's a kind of Ferris Bueller's Day Off type of day. Time to get back to work. 




Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/07/2017 at 03:16 PM

"Rubbin's racin'"

I might have to boot up some Project Cars, or wait until the new Gran Turismo. I feel like doing some racing. 

I'm sorry to hear you were stressed. How's the St. John's Wort working?


09/07/2017 at 09:18 PM

After a few months, it suddenly just stopped being effective. I don't understand it. So I started Wellbutrin. Seems to be ok so far. It's pretty subtle but did stabilize me these last few weeks. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/08/2017 at 11:42 PM

Ah. I've been on that. Honestly, it took a lot of trying a lot of things before I got to the place I am now, but my moods are balanced, I feel good. But it wasn't easy getting here and I went through a lot of weird medications and side effects first. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

09/07/2017 at 05:00 PM

Yeah, I definitely prefer Need for Speed and Burnout to Gran Turismo and Forza. 


09/07/2017 at 09:14 PM

Right on! Burnout for life!

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