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OMG Forza Horizon OMG

On 09/09/2017 at 11:20 PM by KnightDriver

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I got way into Forza Horizon today and even more so because Mark found the game on his system. So we both played it a lot. But I also played some other stuff before he discovered it. 

Puzzle Quest was the starter. I love the end game scenario I've created for myself. I get the enemy down to below 10 HP and then I try not to finish him while I match as many coin icons as I can. It's like the fight doesn't really start until I get to this point. Then I'm putting all the money into the temple which gives me skill boosts. I started raising my cunning because it increases various things related to matching coins. I had to stop after a while though. Those puzzle grids task my eyes. 

Warriors Orochi III Ultimate. Played this for a little while (another Games with Gold freebie from a while ago). I found the U.I. really confusing and the game never does spell out the controls for you. It just dumps you in the game with only a very brief mention of moves you can do with X and Y and RB. I figured it all out pretty quickly though. It's fun smashing through hoards of enemies but never did figure out how to block. Guess I could've looked at the controls in settings, but maybe the game could've run through a quick explanation of the controls at the beginning? I got kind of bored of it pretty quickly anyway.

Crystal Defenders. Tried really hard to get to the final wave 30 on the very first map and nearly made it. Not quite though. I can't believe how difficult the very first area is to clear. It got me really annoyed. It's like there's only one very specific arrangement of defenders to beat that final set of enemies. I think the game could be a little more flexible especially in the very first area. It was fun though. 

Minecraft. Mark and I created a new seed in survival and ran around looking for villages and mansions. Found both but the village was very small with only two villagers. I made an anvil and was ready to trade with a librarian, but couldn't find one. Only one cleric and a town leader, who you can't trade with (librarians have magic books to trade). Also, I swear they tweaked the time it takes to chop a block of stone with a wooden pick axe. It seemed just a tiny bit faster. I guess that's good. 

Forza Horizon. OMG! This is the new thing. I am totally hooked on this game and so is Mark. I love the open world areas and looking for discount signs to smash and barns to raid for old cars. I'm also doing a lot of races, challenging random players on the map, and doing challenges at the pitstop areas (I forget the actual name for them). There you can do a speed challenge, photo shoot and skill challenge. They give you various super cars to use for those. Wow, are they fast! 

I love the way rivals work. You do a race, and if a friend of yours has done it, you get to race their ghost car (driveatar I think they called it in later games of the series). You also get messages whenever a friend beats your time on any challenge in the game. From that in game email style page you can jump to that race and challenge them right away. Fantastic! This game is perfect in so many ways. I'm going to be playing it tomorrow for sure. Mark and I are already yelling and carrying on whenever one of us beats the other's score. I haven't experienced that in a while. 

Oh yea, and I am starting Gamefly up again. I really miss trying out new stuff. I think I'll keep my list short this time though. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

09/10/2017 at 05:03 PM

Yeah, I need to keep a short Gamefly list, so I get what I want sooner? Maybe? If I start one up again, anyway. 

I'm stoked you're loving Forza, cause while I never played it, now I'll have something to say on your blogs if you keep playing, unlike with Minecraft. 


09/10/2017 at 11:28 PM

Yea, I had trouble pulling myself away form Minecraft, but maybe it was that I couldn't find a game to really grab me. I'm settling in for some serious Forza. I want to play 2 and 3 now as well, but one thing at a time. 


09/11/2017 at 01:09 AM

I also played Forza Horizon and liked it quite a bit, played Forza 5 for half an hour and it felt too samey to any Gran Turismo. I might pick up Horizon 2 & 3, but I won't bother with the Motorsport series.


09/11/2017 at 09:04 PM

I want 2 & 3 so badly right now. I want to get all their DLC too before it gets delisted like it did for Forza Horizon. 


09/14/2017 at 11:39 AM

Forza is an awesome game! I haven't played Puzzle Quest in a while with the exception of the Marvel version on iOS and Android. That's a lot of fun except I keep upgrading characters I already have.


09/14/2017 at 11:37 PM

I was really excited about Marvel Puzzle Quest but I didn't like the look of it when I watched Mark play it on XBO. It's like they just ported the mobile version and enlarged it without added any new details. I should get it though. I'm sure it plays great. 

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