I am surprised how many people are playing Agents of mayhem. I saw it at red box and figured it was some random low budget game. Guess not. Sounds fun.
Forza Horizon and Agents of Mayhem
On 09/17/2017 at 09:24 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
More Forza Horizon today. I played a lot of multiplayer for achievements. I got in on a group to play the Playground mode which is three gameplay styles (Infection, Cat and Mouse and King). Infection has one car be infected and the rest run from it until everyone is infected. The one who lasts longest wins. Cat and Mouse is a race where there's two teams, cat and mouse, and the cats try and stop the mouse team from finishing the race (only a mouse can win the race). King is like the inverse of Infected. One is labeled King and the rest have to steal his kingship by hitting him. The one who remains king longest wins.
Then I played a lot of regular races. Sometimes I got a full 8 players going. It was fun, but I lost a lot. But I leveled and won cars for different achievements. I didn't quite get to level 25 though (21). I finally went back to single player to mop up some more races and get closer to the end of the storyline. I'm almost there, but there will be more races to win after that and I still need to find those last 2 Discount Signs.
As a kind of break, I played a few hours of Agents of Mayhem (my rental). This game is so much like Crackdown. I mean it basically is Crackdown with more characters to play as and even more to do at the Agency (yes, it's even called the Agency like Crackdown). It plays really great so far. Maybe not 100% as fluid as Crackdown. The way the agents move and shoot is a little more floaty. But there are a lot more special moves and gear you can upgrade and use than in Crackdown. It's sort of like what Crackdown 2 should've been. The same, but much more.
My one disappointment with it is it's not as funny as Visceral's Saints Row games. I was really looking forward to that. It's more like hitting very obvious jokes related to these stereotyped characters. And some of them are actually serious. E-gads!
The cutscenes are done like a very high quality animated show. Like an American made anime. Very good. It's totally Saturday morning cartoon stuff too, which is fine, totally silly. Just not as silly as Saint's Row.
I'll enjoy playing more of it when I can pull away from Forza Horizon and possibly Forza Horizon 2, which I am so ready to go get.