how's school going man?
Forza Horizon 3 Again
On 01/11/2018 at 10:19 PM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
I bought Rare Replay again. Also I tried to play Monaco GP on Sega Classics Collection but it was scratched and wouldn't play. I ordered another copy. Then I played Forza Horizon 3 to compete with Mark for achievements.
Rare Replay has games going back to 1983. I'll be replaying some of them later in the year when I get to those years in my retro journey.
I noticed Sega put out the arcade game Monaco GP in '79, one of their first, and it was on Sega Classics Collection for PS2, which I have. I set up my PS2 and tried to get it to work but a scratch kept it from starting. I ordered another copy.
Forza Horizon 3 took up the rest of the time. I wanted to compete with Mark for achievements. He's ahead of me in most things in the game, but I beat him to finding every last road for an achievement. 488 roads in all and some aren't really roads but driveways. Those last half dozen or so were all very tiny driveways that were nearly invisible on the map. I never thought I'd get all of them when I started the game. The world is so large, I just didn't go after it too hard until I noticed, by racing a lot, that I was getting close to 400. That's when I started looking a little harder.
More achievements are to go. Mark actually finished the game's main story and got a credit scroll. You have to build your popularity until you unlock all the special showcase races and beat them. You race all sorts of things other than cars. They are sort of big moments in the game. There is a lot more to do though. Mark has bought all the DLC and so can do it all over again in the wintry Blizzard area and the Hotwheels island. I'm waiting as long as possible because of money but I won't be bored.
Looks like my work/school schedule begins this weekend. I'll be back on a five day schedule with Thurs/Fri off, at least that's my plan.