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8 Games, New PS2

On 02/07/2018 at 10:14 PM by KnightDriver

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Not enough time to do my Time Warped blog because I was too busy gaming today. I got another silver slim PS2 to play some retro stuff that I'll mention in a later blog. Then I played more retro stuff on XBO that I'll also mention later. Finally I can quickly mention the other 3 games. 

Call of Duty Black Ops. I finished the campaign and played some zombie mode and a little bit of multiplayer. What a great game by Treyarch whom I used to follow when they made Call of Duty Big Red One and COD World at War. I'm a fan of the Black Ops series now and will play 2 and 3 at some later time. 

Marlo Briggs and the Mask of Death. Played this God of War clone to a point near the end, I think, but got so frustrated that they took away my awesome chain weapon for a clumbsy slow battle axe, that I ended up rage quiting. I really hated the platforming stuff in the game too; although, objectively, they were well done, just not my thing. 

Agents of Mayhem. I bought this from Gamefly for $7 after their $5 coupon. I picked up where I left off when I played it last summer. I had no choice. It wouldn't let me erase my save and start over. Just as well, I guess. It took some time to remember the controls and special abilities of my agents. The game is fun. The cut scenes are in animated form like a Venture Bros. cartoon. I quite like the humor. Very silly like the Saints Row games. It's by the same developers. It doesn't play quite as perfectly smooth as Crackdown did, but it's very close. I'm still getting used to the game and how to do things well. I've gotten my butt kicked a few times because I'd forgotten how to do specials with my various agents. I can't wait to unlock more agents and try out their abilities and hear their zany voice work. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2018 at 11:36 PM

I ad no idea what AoM was or that it was made by SR devs


02/08/2018 at 11:04 PM

Not sure why they did it, but I became a fan of there's after Gat Out of Hell, which was like the best Crackdown game in a long time. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/08/2018 at 07:43 PM

Ive got a silver ps2 i bought a couple years ago. They are sleek.  I should dig that out and play xenosaga!


02/08/2018 at 10:09 PM

I have that game. I should get to it. 


02/08/2018 at 10:58 PM

Heck yeah another PS2! I always liked the size of the newer PS2's because of how slim they are. 

I've never heard of that Marlo Briggs game but it sounds like something I would play until getting frustrated and swearing to never play it again. 


02/08/2018 at 11:01 PM

It was pretty decent actually. I just was in a mood. Plus one battle did seem kind of unfair. I can go back to it any time although I did erase it for the time being. It's still on the cloud though. 

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