I would like to play Banner Saga 2. It's a damn fine series, and the art is just lovely. Kinda sad though. Maybe I'll get it for Switch but it's cheaper for iPad.
Dishwashers running on a beach. Sounds beautiful.
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![]() On 07/28/2018 at 11:23 PM by KnightDriver ![]() See More From This User » |
I sit here after watching This is Modern Art on YouTube and listening to the dishwasher run. I'm thinking it sounds like waves on a beach and I want to make an art piece with dishwashers running on a beach. I think I'll call it that, "Dishwashers Running On A Beach". Then I remember I didn't blog about what I played this week.
Banner Saga 2:
I put in a few more hours into this game. I never realized there were challenges in the sparing tent where you camp that can earn you a lot of renown. I wonder if they were in the first game? I never checked. Maybe that's why I didn't have the renown to level properly. This time though, I'm working those challenges like crazy.
Bomber Crew:
I finally equipped all my gunners with the heaviest armored suits. That's the tail gunner, the gunner in the top turret and the nose gunner, who is also the bomber. I still haven't put anyone in the turret on the underside of the plain. There needs to be an 8th crew member for that.
A funny thing happened. I was landing back at the base and I suddenly noticed one of the landing gear wheels hadn't lowered. I tried to get to the pilot and abort the landing but it was too late. The plane landed on the one wheel and then tipped to the side and crashed. Ha ha. I didn't know one wheel could fail like that. I guess I need to upgrade my hydraulics.
Mark and I played a bunch of this. We tried all the modes and found the one where there's a score limit to be the best. The game ends when someone gets to 200 points. Matches go a little more quickly. We always set this up as a public game but no one was out there to join us. I love Scrabble but I don't love using words I never use in real life like "Qua". WTF is that! I'll use it now that I know it's a word, but I don't like it.
Trivial Pursuit Live:
This is still fun and I've now unlocked nearly all the achievements. Oh the things you learn playing this game. Did you know the most injured part of a snowboarder's body? It's the wrist.
According to the stats this is the order of my subjects best to worst:
I thought I was best at Arts and Literature and worst at Entertainment. I guess I've read a lot of science books lately and I was good at the music questions in Entertainment. I'm not surprised by Sports and Leisure. Even though we have this set to USA there are still a lot of Soccer and Formula One questions. What the heck?
Warhammer Vermicide:
I got this off Game Pass. Someone on Major Nelson's podcast called this like Guantlet if you put it in first person 3D. That was enough to get me to try it. It's pretty much that. You can play four play co-op and run around smashing, slashing, shooting and zapping every rat-shaped human you come across. I liked the bow and arrow shooting. It was faster and more fun than in Dark Souls Remastered.
Wheel of Fortune:
I got this game to play with Mark but I really don't like it much. It always makes me look stupid and the phrases are sometimes so obscure to me. Well, there are some things to learn about what kinds of things they choose for phrases, so maybe I'll like it eventually. The only part I like is customizing my character when I unlock new clothes for it. We've been playing public but no one else has joined yet. It fills in with an AI if you don't get a third player. Bah. I'm not into AI right now, even though my gametag is AIwithWarpDrive. I guess I don't like myself.
It's a hard scrabble life being a viking, or whatever they are. It's sort of a fantasy world but definitely viking related. Soundtrack is darn great too. I want to finish 2 and play 3 in August if I can avoid getting constantly sidetracked.
What would I be washing in them. Shells maybe?
I get that the wrists are the ones that always get injured. When my brother was into skating he would always trash his wrist/palm guards because when you fall you always put your hands out.
Scrabble is always fun in digital form, and I like that there is a game mode that has a point cap. This makes you work a little harder instead of my goto move of adding an S to someone's words.
Wheel of Fortune! RSTLNE for the final puzzle. I watch Wheel because it comes on before Jeopardy.
I see guys reach out when falling in Football all the time and wonder why they do it. It can't help you, it can only get your arm broken. I've tried hard to resist the instinct but the last time I fell it happened so fast that I didn't even realize I tried to stop it with my arm. I almost broke it. Stupid instinct.
There's a mode with a time limit on your turn. I wish there was both a time limit and a point cap. That'd make it like speed chess. I think better under pressure. I get indecisive if I have too long to think.
They have Jeapard on XBL as well. They sell a double pack with both. I thought about it.
I have Jeopardy on most of the consoles and the only thing about it that bugs me is that it is multiple choice. I get why, but it feels like it makes the game a bit easier but I still play it. Wheel was one of the first games I played on a school computer. The first was good ol' Oregon Trail.