I preordered Atari Flashback Classics Volume 3 today at Gamestop. It comes out on Friday. Weird how they don't announce anything in advance for this game. But I'm thrilled to get it so soon. I also picked up Culdcept Revolt for 3DS again because it dipped below $20. I've played it before, but I wanted it in my collection. The game's AI frustrates the heck out of me, but I love the basic gameplay of the game so much, I'll play it again anyway. Here's a pic.

Board game meets fantasy card game. L.O.V.E. IT.
I had to take Mark to get fitted for a new wheelchair today. So, while I waited, I played some Etrian Odyssey V. Instead of continuing from earlier this year, I started anew but on Advanced difficulty. I had time to create six characters and give some of them skill points after the first few steps in the labyrinth before I had to stop. I made two fighters, a pugilist, a ranged fighter, a wizard and a botanist. I quickly fell in love with the game again. If only I had more time.
Back at the console ranch, I picked up where I left off in Forza Horizon 4 again and got the achievement for playing enough unranked Team Adventure matches to begin League play. I stopped there to grind for levels to unlock the Goliath race, but I may return because there are rewards for getting ranked in Team Adventure.
Also, I'm just about at 9 million in cash from auctioning off cars and replaying championship mega races. 10 mil gets me a castle, oh yes. I'm using user created versions of the races I'm grinding on. They have new paths through the world and they revealed another Bonus Board to me. That's part of the reason for playing user created races. They take you to strange parts of the map where bonus boards might be hidden. They are also sometimes very badly designed, but mostly good.