Picked up Bulletwitch on the cheap today. It was made by Japanese developer Cavia in 2007 who also did the 2010 RPG Nier. Bulletwitch features a female protagonist who uses magic and shoots a rediculously large gun as if you couldn't tell that just from the title. But is Bulletwitch retro I ask myself? It's starting to feel that way. It feels like dipping deep into nostalgia given that the Wii-U has been released and the PS4 and XboxNext (or whatever it will be called) will be released later this year.
It's weird to think of this generation coming to the end. I played a lot of games last gen, but this gen was the most gaming I have ever done. I got so enthusiastic about this hobby that at one point I had to rescue myself from total fanboy insanity when I bought a Halo console and started to go for the McFarlaine designed controlers as well - phew, that was a close one. I began writing blogs this generation, watching game related movies, read game related books and comics. Gaming has basically taken over my entire social life and to top it all off, I recently thought about how I could get a job in the industry so that it could take over my work life as well.
I guess it all makes sense when you think about all the new things that arrived to enhance console gaming. This generation saw the start of true online connectivity for conoles. I got my favored online co-op gaming as I always wanted it when I was stuck playing split-screen co-op last gen. Smaller downloadable games became a reality on console like casual games from usually PC exclusive companies like PopCap, experiemental games like Journey and forays into nostalgia with games going all the way back to the arcades, like Game Room, as well as pinball with Pinball FX2 and Pinball Arcade. Indie gaming became a thing this generation with lots of small developers popping up to do games on the exploding platform of iOS and on consoles too - Breath of Death VII being one of my favorites. DLC became an expected part of a game purchase extending the life of a game months after playing it and games have become even more accessible with full game downloads available on PS3 and Xbox 360. Is disc media about to disappear we ask?
What's next for gaming? More online connectivity? More aps and nongaming activities on our consoles? More home console connectivity to our on-the-go systems? The disappearance of hard media with everything being distributed and bought digitally online? Smarter technology in the hardware that practically reads our thoughts as to what we want to play and when? Google Glass games? I'm not sure if all this will make me more involved in gaming or turn me off to it, but the future is definitely in my mind now and the current gen almost over.