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Captain N's Nintendo E3 Wishlist and Predictions 2019 Edition

On 06/11/2019 at 08:31 AM by Captain N

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My Hype for E3 is Over 9000!!!

 Nintendo E3 2019

Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are all enjoying E3. There have been some pretty neat announcements this year but I usually have this up before Nintendo's E3 Direct. That's the only reason I even bother with E3. But that said, E3 is such an exciting time, it fee;s like it's Christmas for us who play video games, except we have to wait a while to be able to enjoy those surprises. We are now well underway into the 2nd year of the Nintendo Switch, if Nintendo plans to sell more Switch systems and keep current users interested, they'll have to drop some interesting announcements. This year for them is very crucial.

As with last year, here are my previous E3 prediction posts, from 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013 if you wanna give them a read. And here are the Wii, 3DS, and Wii U games I'd loved remade for the Switch. And an old one on HD remakes I'd love. List is basically the same so don't need a reason to redo those.




Nintendo E3 Games

Let's get these out of the way first. They said they would be showing these so no need to talk any more about them. But yes, would love to see more info on everything here. I'm hoping Luigi's Mansion 3 has online play. Not pictured here is Fire Emblem: Three Houses but can imagine they'll show that too. Perhaps more Mario Maker 2 as well.

Switch games3DS games

I can imagine we'll see more ports. But of Wii U games or 3DS games? Maybe both? I can imagine we'll see a remake of an older game in there. I hope we get a remake of Kid Icarus Uprising on the Switch. Maybe we'll see more compilations? Like that rumored Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Switch. But will we get any more new 3DS games? I don't think so, it looks like Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn was the last first-party game from Nintendo.

Metroid Prime 4

I know there's no chance we'll see something on it since Nintendo recently stated that development would have to start from scratch. So it could be a while till we see something, but who's to say they actually made a small teaser for E3?

Bayonetta 3

We still don't know much on Bayonetta 3, so far the only other news we got was that development was going well. Maybe we'll see a small teaser on it. But I just really want to play this already.

Shin Megami Tensei V

Another game that's been M.I.A. since it was shown on Nintendo's Press Event before the Switc launched. There has been next to nothing on it since. Will we get a small taste of it? But at least say how development is going.


I have a feeling we'll get a new Kirby game announced at E3. I always love Kirby games so I would definitely love to see what it is. I would love them to try their hand at a 3D Kirby platformer. 

Retro Studios

With Retro now working on Metroid Prime 4, where they ever working on something? I honestly don't know and it's been ages since we've heard rom them. I would love for them to tackle a new IP of their own though.

Animal Crossing

It's already a given they'll show this. It's been such a long time since they talked about this game. I hope that they'll introduce a number of new features, more to do when playing online with friends and whatnot.

Third Party Games

I can already guess we will see more third-party game anouncements. Whether they are ports of past or current gen games or completely new games. I'm honestly really excited to see what they'll show. I can imagine we'll see more on games like Dragon Quest Builders 2 and more announced games.

Smash Bros Fighters Pass

Smash Bros. Ultimate contains the largest roster of characters in the history of the series, so the next logical thing to do is to add even more in the form of dlc fighters. Joker from Persona 5 is the most recent dlc fighter and we are actually getting the next fighter announced during the Direct. That's really exciting. I wonder who it will be but you can be people are gonna be salty when it's the character they didn't want. Here is a wishlist I made last year and I'm still surprised how many of them ended up as fighters. Won't make a new list since it's mostly the same. Since we are on the subject of dlc, maybe we'll see dlc for other Nintendo games too, maybe even expansion passes.


And with every new fighter comes new amiibo figures to get. We'll probably get confirmation on that the next dlc character is getting an amiibo. And we'll probably have a sneak peak on the fighters who don't have a figure yet. Plus, we could see more figures based on the games Nintendo will show.



                              Nintendo Games

New IP's from Nintendo is always welcome. We had ARMS back in 2017 but it didn't exactly set the world on fire. Hopefully we'll see some new IP's. Maybe even more collaborations with more companies too.

                           N64 mini

I'll fight anyone who gets in my way of getting one.

                           Pikmin 4

Where in the world is Pikmin 4? Last time they talked about it, it was nearly done. So, where is it?

                                          F-Zero X

It's been over a decade since the last F-Zero game. It doesn't seem like we'll get a new one any time soon. I remember reading that they are planning to revive some dead IP's. Will we see F-Zero? When it comes to Nintendo, who knows. Speaking of other IP's, maybe we'll get a new Star Fox game too.

                           Paper Mario

All I want is a good Paper Mario game without any gimmick. Or just remake The Thousand Year Door.

                           Mario and Sonic

I knew we would get another one of these games. I find them pretty fun, but I hope we get a Mario and Sonic platformer crossover in the future.


So far, this service isn't really worth paying for. Like yes you can play with friends online, but you could already do that prior to the service. And you can play Classic games with online play too. But thing is no one really wants to play those games. People want SNES games, N64 and even Gamecube games. I feel the service would be worth paying for if they included those games. I hope they add these type of games eventually.

                           New Game

I don't think we'll see this one any time soon. I read that they were hiring for their next game and another rumor has it they are helping on the next Zelda game. But I'm really excited for Monolith Soft's new game too. All I know is that we are getting another great RPG from them. 

                           Mario Kart

I hope that MK8D isn't "The Mario Kart" the Switch will have till Nintendo's next system. I love MK8 as much as the next person but this game is 5 years old now. If they were smart, they would support it with more dlc, but they won't. So what's the next thing they would do is make a new game. But instead why not make a Mario Kart Ultimate instead? Bring the best o the whole series like tracks and whatnot with some new ones? If you think about it, what else is there after anti-gravity? But we'll see.

               Rare Replay

Nintendo and Microsoft seem to be really good friends lately with the announcement and release of Cuphead on the Switch. But, is there more to this partnership than we know? Could we see some MS titles on the Switch? Who knows but if there's one thing I'd love for them to release on there is Rare Replay. I'd be happy with that alone.

Super Mario Galaxy 3

And like with all these post, I wanna finish it off with Galaxy 3. Miyamoto said he would love to see Galaxy 3, and I would too. So, is there gonna be one? I would scream to the heavens and cry if they announced it. If that happened I would upload that to the internet.  And maybe remakes of the first 2 games. That would make me cry too.

And that's my Nintendo E3 Predictions and Wishlist for this year. What are you hoping to see? You can catch Nintendo's E3 Direct here. Well thanks for reading and later.



Super Step Contributing Writer

06/11/2019 at 02:11 PM

So now that it's over, what did you think of it? I didn't catch it, but I saw one or two posts about it on Facebook. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/11/2019 at 02:34 PM

Very exciting, if you ask me. No Metroid, or Mario Galaxy, but Witcher, new Zelda, and lots of other games!!

Cary Woodham

06/11/2019 at 04:31 PM

This year's Nintendo E3 Direct was so jam packed full of stuff I'm definitely going to be writing a blog about it.  Expect it in the next couple of days.


06/15/2019 at 09:14 PM

I'm annoyed Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is only on Switch. I want to play that on Xbox. I can't even play 1 and 2 on Xbox anymore. 

I totally want a Pikmin 4 and Thousand Year Door remake. 

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