In the midst of E3, I discovered that Gearbox had created a new DLC for Borderlands 2. It's supposed to bridge the story to Borderlands 3. So, I had to break out B2 again and play it. Only, I didn't just play the DLC, I started over and attempted to replay the whole game. After several days, I'm still not ready to play the new DLC.
I created a Mechromancer. This is one of the playable characters added to B2 in a DLC pack. She looks like a tousle-haired Pippy Longstocking and has a robot buddy as her special. I tried to run the game by playing only story missions, but you can't do that. Eventually, the missions get too tough and you have to grind for levels on side missions. Even with that, I was almost always a level or two below my enemies, which is great for XP boost, but not so great for drops because all the drops are a level too high and unusable until you level up. It worked out, though. I would save the best of them until I leveled.
I forgot how big this game is. After, probably, 24 hours of gameplay, I was level 26 and still had several main missions to beat to get to the final boss, Handsome Jack. The new DLC is rated for level 30, just like all the other DLC for the game. So, next week I'll probably get to it, but maybe not because Forza Horizon 4's Lego DLC just dropped. I'll probably play that first.
One of my favorite things in Borderlands 2 are the Goliaths. These are muscle bound badasses that taunt you and pack a massive punch. They'll get even crazier too if you shoot off their metal helmets. Every kill they get (and they attack everything) they level up and get bigger. I liked to find several of them in an area and knock all their helmets off and watch them fight each other. Some have special attacks like vomiting acid too. In one area, I had five going at once.

Their voice work is hilarious. They yell terrible things at you like, "I'm going to put my thumbs in your eyeballs." and stuff like that. I'd let them live as long as possible so they'd level up and spout more trash talk.
F'n A, B2 is fun.