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Xbox Rewards

On 12/03/2019 at 10:47 PM by KnightDriver

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I'm getting really into Xbox My Rewards quests. It's informed everything I've played this week so far. Today I added about 500 points. I think the points can be worth about $1 per 1000. Hey, it's better than achievement points. Of course, most of the quests ask you to get achievements in certain games. Here's what I've played in the last two days. 

Insane Robots: Got this with Games with Gold. It's a card battle game. Your cards are circuit boards you insert in your robot to help it fight other robots in turn-based battles. You start on a hex grid and move around picking up items until you come across another robot. Then battle begins. Beat all the robots on the screen and you win that arena and move to the next one. It's very good. I played until the AI seemed too smart and then played an online match against a real player. I lost but it was a good battle. The robots are cute and the dialog and story are humerous. I really liked the style of the game. 

Toy Story 3: Also a Games with Gold freebie. It's surprisingly excellent. You free roam a variety of locations where you can construct buildings and interact with villagers to get quests. It's a very solid kids game and even interesting enough for an adult. 

Rage 2: PLaying this both because I want to and because there is a MS Rewards quest to get two achievements in it. It's very good. It feels fast like the recent Doom. You get a car and roam a post apocalyptic wasteland trying to help a resistance fight an army of cybermen and technolically created monsters - also fully human bandits. It seems very similar to Mad Max except you have a power suit and some special nanobot powered superpowers. It's good. I want to play more but I was going for Rewards points first. 

Shadow Warrior 2: This is on Game Pass and I've wanted to play it for a long time. It's an ID@Xbox game and thus part of a Rewards Quest. Three achievements are required. I played this for a long while and only picked up two. Achievements are tied to number of kills and leveling for the most part instead of campaign progress, so it takes longer. That was fine, though, because I really liked it. It's a fast paced FPS with a large variety of melee and ranged weapons. The story is conventional but the dialog is funny like the original Shadow Warrior from the late 90s.

I noticed the developer is Devolver who I think did some Serious Sam ports because there is a Serious Sam arcade machine in the game. The gameplay also feels like classic Serious Sam, although, this isn't about huge hoards of enemies. Still, the enemies are wild like Serious Sam and very aggressive. It's a challenge and a lot of fun to battle these things. I used a shotgun and minigun mainly with a sword in each han for when I ran out of ammo. 

I need one more achievement but there is another ID@Xbox game I downloaded that I want to try, so I may take a break from it. It's not leaving my hard drive though. I want to finish it 



Super Step Contributing Writer

12/04/2019 at 12:57 AM

I rented Rage 2 and it just didn't grab me the way the very similar Mad Max did ... maybe cause it was too similar?


12/04/2019 at 10:16 PM

I liked the controls. They were a little bit too fast for me, so I toned them down just a tad. I was turning so fast it was like a blur. 


12/05/2019 at 04:49 PM

Hey Rage 2! I kind of liked the original but it never really caught on with me. I hope you earn those rewards points. All the game time will add up, and so will the points. 


12/05/2019 at 11:50 PM

I didn't get through the first one either. I've gotten all The rewards points except the ones for Subnautica, using the phone app (which I use but isn't registering yet), and Game Pass for PC (I don't have a win 10 pc right now). I figured out that, at least for the first few days I was getting them, I was making about 10 cents an hour.  Ha ha. 

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