Phantasy Star 2 is a bitch of a game but I will always harbor nostalgic feelings for it. It always seemed so vast and romantic when I was a kid. I never beat it but I love it. I did have a friend who beat it though. Must have taken serious determination.
Another Bunch Played
On 12/20/2019 at 11:15 AM by KnightDriver See More From This User » |
Another messy week of gaming, jumping all over the place, playing any darn thing that pops up and trying to match whatever Mark is playing so we can compete or talk strategy.
Pixel Junk Monsters 2: I bought this game while looking through Playstation Store. I didn't know it existed. It came out last year. It looks like the first game but with some more elaborate graphics. I used to love playing this tower defence with action strategy game on PS3. I remember being super annoyed that the developer had done PIxelJunk Shooter or something like that instead of a Monsters sequel back then. Well, they did finally, and I will play it.
Phantasy Star II: Mark was playing Wizardry on his new Retron NES/SNES console. I got so jealous that I bought the closest thing on Xbox, Phantasy Star II. I played it for a while and wondered why I was so confused by it when I played it years ago on a collection. I pretty much figured it out and survived to the next town. I'm going to use this as a filler game between new ones or while other games download. Speaking of which. . .
Call of Duty Modern Warfare: I rented this for relevancy reasons but it still hasn't fully installed to my console. It's over 100GB. If it's done by Monday, I'll give it a try but it's going to be hard to drag me away from the new Borderlands DLC that just dropped last Thursday.
Borderlands 3 DLC: I started this on Thursday and I'm mostly enjoying it. Your tasked by Moxxie with taking a space casino away from Handsome Jack. Jack is dead at this point in the story so you're really taking it from a rogue squatter. I'm getting my explorer junkie on and blasting robots away mostly just to stop them from my exploring. I really can't be bothered with fighting in this game anymore. I don't understand what equipment is better than what and I dislike the arena style battles that happen regularly. It's like a single player experience dropped in a multiplayer game. Yuk. Just let me hunt for treasure and story.
Minecraft: In between all this stuff was a new Minecraft update that added bees and three new related achievements. Mark and I attacked this with a vengeance and got them all. Bees are cool. They appear near fields of flowers. They make nests on trees where you can harvest honey. I think you can eat it, but I didn't explore that option. I wondered if they also added a bee keeper villager but I don't think so. Following this venture I traded for emeralds with villagers a lot in order to make some more progress on the 1000 emeralds achievement. I'm close to half-way on that last achievement. I've found that the stone mason is the best to trade with. Materials are easy to find.
Gas Guzzlers: Somehow managed to fit this in as well. This is a really great action combat racer that only gets better the more I play it. Granted, it's mostly a budget sort of game with limited content, but it scratches that Destruction Derby/Burnout itch I always have. Controls are good and combat is fun, even the area style battles which I usually hate.
That's a week for me. Happy Xmas! I got a Railway in a Tin. Smallest model railway ever and the cheapest. I got the Xmas railway I always want at this time of year.